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Is it possible to create custom Tool? Like a brush, but not an effect? 

I need to do a FlowMap painter brush. Such brush would paint a color that depends only on movement direction. It would also depend on a movement speed (as long as it's easy to do so).

I'm already developing an .NET + OGL application that could do that, but since I'm at 25% done, I figured out that I could use Paint.Net to make it better and more popular. 


Thanks in advance,



You can't integrate it into the tool menu, but you can make an effect like the Smudge, Liquify, or Custom Brushes plugins that create their own temporary canvas.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Oh that's sad there's no way to add custom tool.

Well, it doesn't help me since flow map reuqire a draw vector to determine colours...


Thanks for help!

I believe that thread can be closed.


It would be doable in the form that pyrochild said. Have a llook at the Smudge plugin or Liquify to see how it could be done and what the working surface might look like.


But, it don't let you work with multiple layers probably? Like paint flow-map on layer 0 but have a half-visible layer 1 to see where map needs to be painted.

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