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can I do a drop shadow on text in paint.net

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Yes.  Find the drop shadow plugin here: KrisVDM's plugin pack


Using it requires that your text is on it's own layer.  I hope it is!

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.... Yep, text is on its own layer. 


Well done that man! :)

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As an author myself I'd be interested in seeing the final cover.  Are you working on an ebook or a paper book?

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Ebook. In fact, I've got three of them I'm trying to get out pretty simultaneously. (I'm going to put the two others in another post, in which I have another question.) The books have been "in process" for  years and now they're finally ready to go. Yes, will definitely show you the final cover. (I appreciate your interest!)

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  • 8 years later...

Hi Terry, welcome to the forum.


You might want to repost your question in a new thread - it seems unrelated to this one (which I'm about to lock due to its age)

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