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Additional Search Tools For Locating Anything & Everything For Paint.Net

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If you're like I am and often get lost while trying to locate something you're searching for such as a specific help tutorial, plug-ins that may be hard to find, or even an old thread buried amongst tons of other threads, hopefully these resources may help you in finding exactly what you're searching for!


GetPaint.net Custom Search Engine Tool - Designed to help locate Tutorials, Plug-Ins, Help-related issues, and relevant topics, by searching content in the Paint.net forums, developer blogs, and from Google. It's much more accurate than the built-in search feature in the upper right corner since it's powered by Google Search which indexes just about everything posted.


PDN-Search Custom Search Engine Tool - Also powered by Google Search, it's designed to be versatile by scanning multiple Paint.Net resource sites. An additional feature powered by Google Image Search allows you to search for images by image name, by the username that created it, or by keywords associated to the images.

PDN-Search Basic Version - A smaller version of PDN-Search that's just the search engine core by itself.

Hopefully with all these search tools @ your disposal, the time spent frivously searching for plug-ins, help threads, tutorials, and more... will be a thing of the past so you can spend more time on doing stuff and less time on searching for stuff. More sites will be added to PDN-Search over time as they are located or requested to be added which should help anyone and everyone be able to locate anything and everything... with ease! :D

Edited by RFX


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Designed just for the Paint.Net forums for specific searches

Sorry, that's not right. The custom Google search returns results from the forum, online documentation, developer blog and anything else Google can find.

I got mixed results with the second link. Returned non-PDN links?

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Thanks for the info Ego Eram Reputo! I updated the descriptions and also will do some refinements to PDN-Search to limit the results to Paint.net relevant searches, it's probably cross-referencing Google content and returning non-relavant results.


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To be honest - I think you're reinventing the wheel.

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