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Tool palette canot be moved if no image is loaded

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If I show my Tool palette and close all images in Paint dot net, the tool palette canot be moved from it's screen position.

I epect that when the paintDotNet window is active any windows associated to it would be movable and or closeable. I could even ecpect the parent window to activate when a child window is clicked (the Tool palette I am calling a child of the parent PaintDotNet window- don't remember if that is the proper Windows terminology to use in this case but I'm sure you get the idea) .


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I'm not sure why you want to move/remove the windows without an image open, but here's how you can do it:

Press F5 to toggle the Tool window visibility, F6 for the History window, F7 for the Layers and F8 for the color window.

You can move the windows about with an image open. If you close the image, the position of the windows will persist.

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Thanks for the tip. I wanted to move the palette because i was dragging images from my desktop to clean up the clutter and did not want to shut Paint.Net down between image views. The palette was just in the way.


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