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Bending part of a subject? How do you do it?

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I am new to paint.net and I have a question every once in a while I get some sort of lens distortion from my camera lens. It usually only affects one area is there a way to fix or bend it back with PDN?

Like a leg looks unnaturally crooked/bent of the fork on a motorcycle looks bent. I have been trying to figure out how to select the crooked piece and straighten it.

I have searched several times and looked in the help doc. but I cant seem to find anything. Maybe I'm not using the right vocab in my searches? Any help would be great even if its just a link. Love PDN so far lots of possibilities.



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Paint.Net is sufficiently awesome in it's own right. Plugins just extend that awesomeness boltbait.big_smile.png .

You don't really need to worry about plugins until you come to a point where Paint.Net's tools don't do the job for you. Most tutorials list the plugins required - so following a handful of tutorials will give you a feel for which plugins are most likely to be useful to you.

The best plugins are pinned to the top of the Plugin forum.

Camera distortion: 'new camera' is the solution - why create problems for yourself persisting with something that causes you angst?

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Paint.Net is sufficiently awesome in it's own right. Plugins just extend that awesomeness boltbait.big_smile.png .

You don't really need to worry about plugins until you come to a point where Paint.Net's tools don't do the job for you. Most tutorials list the plugins required - so following a handful of tutorials will give you a feel for which plugins are most likely to be useful to you.

The best plugins are pinned to the top of the Plugin forum.

Camera distortion: 'new camera' is the solution - why create problems for yourself persisting with something that causes you angst?

Well I want to get a SLR but it just isn't in the cards for me for awhile. It doesn't normally happen with my camera it's only a few pics here and there. Not sure what causes it it seems to only happen under certain conditions mostly outside. I have been looking at the tutorials all day and trying different things and you are right PDN is awesome so glad I was told about it by a friend of a friend.

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