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Alpha Mask: Transparency Questions

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Hi everyone.

I need help making the background of an image transparent.

First of all: I read the tutorial for Alpha Mask, and tried using it, with no success.

So, I need further help with this, please. Here's the image I want to make transparent. Quite simple.


Here are my questions that I believe the tutorial does not currently address:

1. The image I am using is a JPG. Will the Alpha Mask tool work with JPG images, or do I have to convert the image to GIF format first? In the past, I've used only GIF images when working with transparent images. (I used Paint Shop Pro in the past.)

2. The tutorial does not specify whether or not to use the Mask File/Browse button to open something. Do I use that, or not?

3: It says to copy the image. And it says to check the Paste from Clipboard box. Then click OK. It does NOT say what to do next, if anything. What does the Paste from Clipboard box do, exactly?

4. Once I click OK, is the image modified? Do I save it? If so, what format do I save it in, and what transparency threshold do I use, if I save it as a GIF?

Is using this Alpha Mask .dll tool the absolute simplest and quickest way to make an image transparent?

Thank you very much. Jd

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You should really be asking these questions in the tutorial section, but anyway:

1. The image I am using is a JPG. Will the Alpha Mask tool work with JPG images, or do I have to convert the image to GIF format first? In the past, I've used only GIF images when working with transparent images. (I used Paint Shop Pro in the past.)

JPGs don't support transparency.

For more information on that, go here:

2. The tutorial does not specify whether or not to use the Mask File/Browse button to open something. Do I use that, or not?

No (look at the image, in it, it doesn't).

3: It says to copy the image. And it says to check the Paste from Clipboard box. Then click OK. It does NOT say what to do next, if anything. What does the Paste from Clipboard box do, exactly?

Well, that means there's no more steps. Paste from the clipboard means that instead of browsing for a picture, it just takes the picture in the clipboard.

4. Once I click OK, is the image modified? Do I save it? If so, what format do I save it in, and what transparency threshold do I use, if I save it as a GIF?

Yes, it's modified to whatever options you've chosen. And if you're making a website, you usually need to save it... I would just leave the threshold at 128 (default).

Edited by himself22

"The truth is just an excuse for having a lack of imagination."

Photobucket sucks!
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Still not working properly.

When I use Alpha Mask, the text completely disappears on screen. I see nothing. What does All Color Information Will Be Ignored mean?

Can this be done without the plug-in? I'd like to have alternatives, if possible. Thank you.

Edited by jdanniel
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If you want a transparent background with the drop shadow (partial alpha) retained,

you need to save as PNG.

Because your example is in .jpg filetype, it already has some messy JPEG

artifacts that will be difficult to eliminate without damaging the appearance of

the text image.

Your best bet is to remake the image from scratch, on transparent layers,

and save as.png.

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Your best bet is to remake the image from scratch, on transparent layers,

and save as.png.

Hello. I do know how to do this. However, I recently purchased Microsoft Office 2010, and Word 2010 has new features, including drop shadowing. So, that's what I used, and I like the new tool, so honestly, I'd like to stick with it.

As for saving as png, that I didn't do, so I'll go back and try it again. However, the issue of text disappearing occurred before saving the image, so I'm still unable to get what I want.

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Make sure you select all and then copy. Then try re-running the plugin. That's all I can give you. As for using MSO2010, I find that taking the time to make your own "artistic effects" rather than sinking to the level of *shudders* using pre-made effects - is much more satisfactory. And yes, I do have 2010. Matter of fact, I had it before the general public could get it (the stable version, not the beta). :D

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If you can save as .png from Word 2010,

then load that .png into Paint.NET and

apply the Grim Color Reaper plugin

effect with "What color?" set to white.

You may need to adjust the "Color Tolerance"

down a bit to get the drop shadow to be

transparent black rather than grayish.

Grim Color Reaper

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I'm clearly doing something wrong, or else the plug-in isn't working on my system.

Here's what I'm getting, before and after:



I put borders around the images, so people can see what I'm referring to.

As you can see, the text has disappeared. Why? I must not be understanding something.

To the author of the plug-in: If you did this as per the instructions in your tutorial, then why is it working for you, but not me? I've done everything you've done, unless I became illiterate since waking up this morning.

Grim Color Reaper?

Another plug-in?

Okay, I'll give it a try. Thanks for being patient with me. I am very frustrated right now. Jd

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Okay, I think we made some progress here.

I tried out the Grim Color Reaper plug-in. I then began to work with the images in Microsoft Front Page.

At first, I got very scared. Here's why:


That's what I saw in Design mode. I was ready to smash my monitor. Then, I said to myself, "Well, let's see how it looks in Preview mode."

And here's how it looks in Preview mode:


Voila. It works! Problem solved, it seems. The black background in Design mode totally threw me off. Still does!

Maybe it's because that's how a transparent .png file is supposed to look? I've never worked with .png before.

I'm going to dabble a bit more with this, and hopefully this plug-in will do the trick with everything else I work with. Thank you for recommending it.


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