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New Effects?

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CSS...HTML...sounds like you're a web-design kind of person. Learn Javascript and then from there, learn C#. The first computer language I learned was HTML...went to Javascript from there...now I can use Java, C, C++, C#, and pretty much any other language. You can use Javascript on websites...so you have some incentive to learn it :)

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Rick, this is the sort of thing you need for 3.0


IMO, that kicks < no swearing >.

Speaking of which, is there a way that a filter can create a layer and put its results there instead of on the source layer?

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Speaking of which, is there a way that a filter can create a layer and put its results there instead of on the source layer?

We've gone over this before in the Effects API forum...the current effect system doesn't permit this. I think this will be upgraded eventually. When you think about this, this sort of a inter-layer ability would enable quite a few new types of effects...:)

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Right but at that time they are no longer "effects" and are now a more generalized image/document processing mechanism. By design the effects system heavily restricts the type of information that an effect has access to. What you are talking about is more of a full blown scripting system that has full access to the Paint.NET document and object model.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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