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Having trouble with custom brushes mini?

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So I've tried, more than once, to download the custom brushes mini plugin...

For some reason, when I go to program files > paint.net, if I double clikc the effects folder, theres another 'effects' folder that is next. Then that repeats. Basically I have 3 effects folders some how. I don't know if this is related or not.

Anyways, I've downloaded it to all 3 of those folders, and I can't seem to find it. :?

I'm also using Paint.net V3 I think? It's whatever version came out before the newest one (3.5 I think)

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Post your question(s) in the CustomBrushes thread: Here

If you read through that thread, you may find help with the multiple \Effects\ folder problem too :wink:

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