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Align against Another Object and Distribute

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Is there a plugin that enables aligning an object against another object? @xod align object plugin can do it, but quite a tedious process.


In Adobe Illustrator aligning object is quite easy.

select the leader object

select the follower objects

click align right/left/center/up/down/mid button


Also, is there a way to distribute few objects equally on the selected area or canvas?



Thank you

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6 hours ago, gnulab said:

@xod align object plugin can do it, but quite a tedious process.


How so?  If you have an object on a single layer, just choose where you want it with any Align Object Plugin.  If you put another object on another layer, just repeat the process and it will align up exactly as you did the first one.


6 hours ago, gnulab said:


Also, is there a way to distribute few objects equally on the selected area or canvas?


Again, if you start a new layer, just add the newly placed object/s and duplicate, and flip to which ever position you want.


Also see here: 



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