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Can a color be selected -- across the entirety of an image -- and changed into a transparency?

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I am unfamiliar with both the language needed to describe what I'm hoping to do, and the methods that might exist for accomplishing such, but I am hopeful that someone can understand.

I need to make all the light colored dots (in the included image) transparent.
The image is quite large and the light colored dots are quite numerous.
Is there a way to simply select the color of the dots and just tell the program to exchange that color in the image for a transparency?

How would I replace the properties of a singular specific color across an entire image?

Is this possible?

how to make all the dots transperant at once.jpg

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Hello @MAMjr and welcome :)


In order to get transparency of the white dots, you would have to select them with the magic wand and then hit delete. It would be easier to add another new color.  just make a new layer above your image (with the circle still selected) and add your new color.


To change the colors of a specific single color, you should try Hue and Saturation or Levels and, of course, changing the color modes in the properties.


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