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Pencil Tool - Erratic


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Hello everyone :-)


I just installed on my new (refurbished) tiny little Asus tablet pc.

I think this will be just the program I need, and I will donate as I find out.


My question is: 


When I'm using the pencil tool with my stylus, when I first press down anywhere on the drawing space, a long line from the edge of the drawing space inward to where I'm pressing just appears. It isn't random, as it is the color of the pencil.


Anyone know how I can change that?


I don't have that problem with the paintbrush tool.


I'm real excited to start drawing digitally.


Thank you!!!



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Still, it's good etiquette to reply to a thread with your actual solution, not just "yay I solved it". Otherwise others who come across your thread, with the same problem, in need of the same solution, will be left hanging.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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