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How to use Brushes?

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Hello, I've been using Paint.NET for a while and I've downloaded Sabrown's brushes plugin. I know many GIMP users use brushes for their sig backgrounds and stuff, but I don't really know how to use brushes.

Does anyone have a simple tutorial/link that could direct me in the right direction? I understand how the brush tutorial plugin works, I just don't know how to incorporate brushes into artwork. :oops:

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, but his latest tut teaches placement of where brushes can be placed. For example, the flow section of the guide can be used to place certain brushes in a certain way to show flow. I suppose you're right about about the tut not being exactly about how to use brushes, but a bit of thinking can convert parts of the tut into where to place brushes.

Here's a link to the tut i think that Crimson was talking about: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24398&hilit=photoshop

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