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First, I want to pay due respect to the folks in this forum who obviously really know how to use the various photo editing software that's available out there. I find it amazing what most of you folks know!! Sadly, I'm NOT one of those folks.


Being very new to this forum and having just downloaded Paint.Net a few hours ago, I have a pretty mundane and likely ignorant question to ask.


If I have a picture with text of some kind in it or I want to eliminate a person or object in the picture and only save what I want, is there a simple way to do that?


I have used the very basic Microsoft Paint in the past. In that program I was able to Edit the picture's content by "pulling in" (for lack of a better term) the left or right or top or bottom of the picture to eliminate what I don't want in the picture and then save what's left.


I would be grateful if someone far more knowledgeable than myself can assist me with this question. Thanks.




Hi Reggie - welcome to the forum :D

First, a link http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html< this is the paint.net documentation page for the Clone Stamp tool :CloneStampTool: .


Clone stamp - it allows you to transfer small regions of an image from one place to another. What you do is set the source by Ctrl-clicking then 'paint' the area you want covered (the destination).

This tool will allow you to cover up the existing text using other areas of the same image.

Have a go and please get back to us if this doesn't do what you desire.


Welcome Reggie.


As an addition to EER's fine suggestion; You can, if the text is not covering a part you want to save, use the "cropping tool"  to remove the offending item


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  Age is only  a number --in my case a Really BIG number, but there you have it

When the prefect paint.net image is created, I will still be wondering "How they Do that?"- sigh☺️


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