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Text Fill

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I swear that in the past, maybe some months ago at this point, I was able to select a Fill while using the Text tool (ex. Solid Color, Weave, Trellis, etc.). Now I'm using 4.0.8 and that option seems to be missing. Am I not seeing anything, was it removed, or was it never there and I'm just imagining things?

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Yes BAPACop, it was possible in version 3.5... However, it is still possible to obtain the same results using the Alpha Mask effect but it requires extra steps. I hope Rick brings back this feature.

Edited by Eli
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I noticed this some time ago, and I do not know why the Fill option was removed (I think it was removed when Rendering modes were introduced). Perhaps Rick just forgot to activate it when Paint.net was upgraded to 4.0 and no one told him.  :) 

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It was only removed for some of the tools. You can still achieve the same styles of fill using the Paint Bucket Tool to fill your text....


1. Write our your text on it's own transparent layer.

2. Activate the :MagicWandTool: magic wand tool.

3. In the layer with the text on it, hold down the Shift key and select any area that is not a character.

4. invert the selection with Ctrl + I

5. Activate the :PaintBucketTool: Paint Bucket, choose your fill style and click on each character in turn.


Another way to achieve this:


1. Write our your text in black on it's own transparent layer.

2. Add a new layer, fill this with the fill style you want (using the Paint Bucket Tool :PaintBucket:)

3. Change the filled layer blend mode to Additive.




Fill Styles ref: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/PaintBucket.html

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