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Posts posted by DrewDale

  1. @ Daniels - We have some really splendid & spiffing words here that sadly hardly ever get used :lol: (its all street slang now unfortunately) Although Cockney rhyming slang is pretty neat ;) 


    @ Helen - After our long and drawn out winter I for one am looking forward to a paddle in the sea and a beach bbq this summer :D 


    @ Daniels, Helen and Barbieq25 - Thanks for your feedback as always it is most welcome.  :star:

  2. There are many ways to do what you wish to achieve  Here is a few pointers:

    1- Use Hue / Saturation. Or
    2- Use Colour balance, Or
    3- Duplicate the image layer and play around with the blend modes of the upper layer (F4 on the keyboard) Or

    4- Use curves to change / enhance the colour. (found in adjustments menu)


    I guess there are many more ways too. 


  3. sigcompbanner_zps69be31d4.png


    This Weeks Theme is – Art Deco
    And was chosen by –  Dug.
    This weeks theme invites you to create a sig full of shapes and bold colour. 

    Inspiration can be taken  From here


    The deadline for entries is 9:00pm (UK Time) on Sunday 14 April.
    To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time


    Please take a moment to read the rules below. (If your entry breaks any of them, it will be disqualified and not included in the poll)

    The Rules:

    1. Max sig dimensions 500x200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500x150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your sig.
    2. No crude or offensive language, pics, etcetera. This is a family friendly forum! 
    3. Your entry must follow the set theme. 
    4. Only one entry per person, modifications to your image is NOT permitted after submitting your entry!
    5. Your post should include your sig and links to your source images. 
    6. Use new, fresh sigs. The idea is to get you to create new things, and if you are just pulling out an old one, you are not doing that.
    7. No uploading a place holding sig, and then adding a new one later in the week.
    8. Very Important - Your creation must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor / renderer and try passing it off as PDN work. Or it will be disqualified!  

    The  winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition.
    Good luck to all and thanks in advance for entering. :) 

    Special thanks to: Sozo (since I’m using a remix of his template)   chrisco97, Sozo  TheHowler and Nitenurse79 for keeping this comp going in the past.

    This thread is for posting your entries only.
    If you want to talk about one of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread located here.

    • Upvote 1
  4. The voting deadline is  here... And it is now time to announce the winners. Again another close vote.


    In first place with 9 votes is dug


    Taking joint second place is Myself (DrewDale) and Daniels with 8 votes each. 


     Joint third place goes to doughty and Minners71  with 7 votes each.



    Great entries from all involved, well done to the winner and runner's up. Thanks also go to the voters and supporters. B)


    I will send a PM to dug and will launch the next comp once we have the topic for sotw#79 
  5. Why do the Sig Battles just up and die off suddenly? Should there be a competition length after whih the current one expires, cuz things alway seem to get slow and require a start over.

    The reason this time round (I think) is the fact that two people jumped in while a battle was still underway, then one dropped out and others joined in too, making it difficult for people to vote on.

    Anyway - While I'm here I will vote.


    Chimay's sig is well put together, great details and depth, but it's just a little too much in a small area, would look awesome in a larger format.

    Xzerizon - Love the frozen / broken glass effect on your name, nice and simple, minimal colours too, top work. And gets my vote. B)


    So the final score for that everlasting round is:

    Chimay - 2

    Xzerizon - 3


    Meaning of course that Xzerizon is the winner. Let's see the next entrants and hope for more normal order here ;)

  6. Hi and welcome.

    What you need to do first is create a new layer -  :AddNewLayer:

    Type on it your text -  :TextTool:

    Use the magic wand -  :MagicWandTool:  (While holding down the Shift key)  and click on one of your text letters to select them all.

    Then run your chosen effects then click on deselect -  :Deselect: (it may be wise to use the feather plug in or AA's Assistant plug in afterwards)

    Next you need to go to the background layer (The white one) and delete it -  :EraseSelection:

    Then save as your chosen format (gif / png / pdn)


    Hope this helps you. :)

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