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Everything posted by Frontcannon

  1. The pictures are ok, but I'd never use them for web design. Far too busy and dark.
  2. Just a little WP I made because I needed something dark.
  3. Impressive start for a gallery! Your grunge-y style sigs are very good, especially the Fallout one
  4. The sig's alright, not much to criticise there The drop shadow should be redone, though, if you choose a vanishing point perspective you have to alter the shadows to make it look right! Your 'realistic' piece.. Well, you have failed at what most realistic artists fail: perspective. It looks like you've put some objects together who look, treated severally, very good but together it just doesn't look right anymore. The shadows of the table-legs.. they seem random. Maybe you've forgotten to do the right low leg right. The background.. well there's no background at all. Not good! The wooden pattern of the table is very nice, though the middle piece doesn't make much sense.
  5. That image is so weird and full of randomness Do you actually plan your pictures or dou you just work along with what you have?
  6. Sorry, but that's just bad. White jaggies, hair cut off (?), eyes and face structure don't match at all. Did you make this with a graphic tablet or with a mouse?
  7. You seem to be new at web design, too. Never ever use gifs.
  8. I know Not much happening here, just the occasional sig & ava update now and then. Hope you like'em! (I feel so young again)
  9. Let's see if we can get enough submissions to top the Halloween competition...
  10. You have to flatten your layers before you safe in non-layer formats like .jpg or .png. Press ctrl-shift-f before saving.
  11. barbieq25, Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King is my favourite classical piece ever
  12. Thanks for the many replies, I appreciate them all Though your description of my picture, A Fleeting Glimpse, reminds me of Hannibal Lecter :o That's the WOTW entry, finally up in my gallery Space-Scape 002
  13. Alright, that's a fine theme. It's so fine, I'll enter.. The image reached me with this message from deep space. This will be our last hours We are the crew of the recon vessel CX-00027:7 and this will be our last message. We were on a exploring trip through the swan nebula when we encoutered this strange phenomenon. When we found out what it was, it was too late. We've discovered a huge gas planet deep in the nebula, who was emitting very strange radiation. The emitter was a black hole in its core. We do not know how it came to existence, but when we first saw it, the gravitational pull was already too strong for our ship to escape. We are pulled nearer the planet as it is hollowed out by the black hole, and are sure this will be our last hours. We send this message along with this image data depicting the process to warn and inform others. It's beautiful and fascinating, but very scary at the same time. Please view it in order t The message ends here, but I thought I'd show you the pic. Come on, I was bored, so why not entertain some other people? 100% pdn, by the way.
  14. That's one of the best realistic pieces I've ever seen. Most of them just don't look right, have perspective issues or are flawed by the obvious use of Shape3D, but this one's one of the few that just look absolutely perfect. This has to get in the official pdn gallery.
  15. It has a nice feel of pixel art to it.
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