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Everything posted by W@@dy

  1. Thiiiissss Someone should really make a plugin for the curves plugin. I know it changes certain colors and other things, but I don't understand much else. Like how you should change the line to make certain colors change/disappear. Very well written, but it's hard to see the difference between the 3rd original image and the final image, especially when I have to scroll to the top, and back down. Could you move them so they're side by side?
  2. I'm all for making it cleaner and getting rid of the expansion button it has now. It never really killed me inside, but I'd love to make it all on one small window. I'd agree that your image seems a little too compact/cluttered though. I'm not exactly particular to the triangle theme, but I can see myself getting used to it over time, and it certainly is the cleanest interface I've seen so far
  3. Yeah I know that will work as well, but the whole point of this suggestion is to make it one quick and easy tool built right into PDN. Gives it more class
  4. Interesting. That does work, but it lacks anti-aliasing which I oh so dearly love
  5. RiZe: 1 Amerikano: 3 Both are good, but Amerikano's catches my eye more. It just pops because of the color and design. I'd like to enter with this:
  6. I have countlessly encountered occasions when I would desperately LOVE to make that line tool erase instead of draw. The obvious advantage of this is being able to erase straight lines, but also you could wrap it around curves and adjust it as you go. Currently the closest thing I can do to this is create a black or white line on a layer above, merge it down, then use the "Grim Color Reaper" plugin to do this. Provided that the image I want erased is either pure white, or pure black. It's a bit of a step closer towards a pen tool in that you could cleanly cut out an image piece by piece rather than having to go at it all at once with a lasso tool.
  7. There is a plugin that does exactly what you're asking. It's under Adjustments and it's literal name is "Brightness/Contrast" I'm searching for the name of the .dll now, however I'm getting the feeling that it's actually built in to PDN
  8. :O That's just...AWESOME
  9. I know my account is old, but I hardly ever go to these forums, and when I do, it's usually to download a plugin I'll fix dem sizes sorry! Edit: Readjusted all the sizes on photobucket, so that the max width is 800pixels. Are there any I missed?
  10. Bleeding Cowboy is my favorite font of all time. I like you're picture. I bet you could even make these look like cacti with a little work
  11. Thanks I was really afraid the first reply was going to be "T-T those don't look like trees. At all." I'm very glad you like, and can't wait to see what other people come up with
  12. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it I made an image today that had a distant tree line in it, and I thought the process I used was kinda nifty, so I thought I'd share it. At the very least it will provide another way to look at creating things. So this will make a tree line at a far off distance. Judging by my picture, I'd say that this is really best left to smaller sized images. Mine was 1360x768, and at full size the trees don't look great (maybe with some more tweaking they would though), however when I zoom out it becomes better. Here's my image 765x432, a size I feel demonstrates how well it can look. I know what you're thinking "What the hell, that's totally dark and I barely know what I'm looking at" It's a bit of a forest fire theme, and it's the only example I have currently There are also a few features (mistakes) in there that I'm choosing to leave out this time, because well, they were sucky decisions. So here we go! I'll walk you through my image, but I'd really like to see if someone can pull this off in a daytime/not pitch black dark image haha. I'll give it my best as well. List of needed effects: Crystalize Bars Clouds Optional effects: Dents Fragment Unfocus Jitter Gaussian Blur More listed at bottom 1. I started by making a hill side that slopes so it isn't so linear and plain. You can make a black background as well, put make it invisible so you can see your hill side. Or if you want to go with a flat horizon, do just that. It won't really affect later steps too much honestly. 2. Add a circular gradient on a layer below your hill-side/horizon. Adjust the transparency or darken it, so that it's dim. This is a far off forest fire after all. 3. If you haven't already, create a black background and place the layer at the very bottom. Then, create a new layer above the gradient layer. Set the mask to "Overlay". With black and white colors selected as primary and secondary, use Render some clouds. Adjust until you are satisfied. I suggest rather large clouds though. If you desire, you can adjust with the contrast and brightness as I did. This will give your clouds a bit more kick, contrast and sharpness. It's subtle and yet apparent. I started labeling my layers for convenience An example of extra contrast 4. Tree time! Make a new layer, choose black as your primary, and set your secondary to pure, 0% alpha. Whip out the "Bars" effect under Render. Set the Secondary Length to 0, the width to 1 (or higher if you want thicker trees) and adjust the Primary Length to line up with your horizon/hill-side. Make them stick above the horizon as tall as you want them, I heavily suggest keeping the bars close to the horizon line though, or at least a good mix of tall and low. Don't worry about a scarce forest as we'll be making several layers of these to liven things up. It doesn't truly matter where the layer is, but I guess to be entirely accurate it should go behind the hill-side/horizon. I didn't exactly adjust the length properly, but it's not terrible. 5. Repeat that a few times until you get a forest thick enough to your liking. But not too thick! We aren't done, and soon those trees will have some branches that will fill in some of the space between it's neighbors. For my image I repeated this 3 times. I changed the height each time for added variety. You could change the thickness to a bit. I never thought of that. 6. Crystalize! On each layer crystalize those bars with "Cell Size" set at 2, the lowest setting. You can repeat this a few times if you want, but I don't think it's really necessary. Doesn't look like much more than random thingies right now Looking a bit better, I see the potential, but not quite there. Probly could use another layer to thicken the forest. 7. Check it over. Do you see the potential? In my last pic I said it could probably use another layer to thicken the forest. If you think it needs another layer, go ahead and do just that. Purty it up before moving on. It's easier to do it now than later in the sense that you know everything is where you want it to be, and there's no back trekking, trying to remember what you were supposed to do. An easier thing to do is to duplicate a layer, then simply offset it slightly. That's exactly what I did here. 8. Now all that's left is a few touch ups on those last layers. The sky is the limit honestly. Here are some things I did, and a few others you might want to try. Small blur on a lower layer + another crystalize "Dents" with a low "Scale" "Unfocus" blur "Fragment" blur - I actually heavily suggest this. It seems to work the best, especially when applied on multiple layers. Fragment count of 2-4 and a slightly lowered distance works very very well. "Jitter" - untested "Frosted Glass" with low "Max Scatter Radius" - untested "Motion Blur" - Making the blur travel upwards might work with the forest fire theme in this case. "Glass Blocks" - With the little I played with it, there actually do seem to be some settings that work add to the picture O.o who woulda thunk haha Basically anything that distorts, and spreads out the trees a bit to act like limbs. Seems like smaller, lower trees would have been better. Also some look mighty thick. Things to avoid. 9. Final adjustments, in this case, could be some smoke. Also, in my original image I used the "Bulge" effect to push some trees to be lower and taller than others. It's a good final "I need more smaller/taller trees" trick. You can also use it to help follow your hillside which I totally failed to do here lol. You could also add a very slight gradient across your hill to give it some depth. Heck, you could even add some farmland This version I mixed in some of my original, lower standing trees which I think really help make it look like a forest of trees and not high standing lumpy telephone poles. Tell me what I'm missing, this is my first tutorial. I considered putting those "hide" tags around each step considering there are so many pictures, but I haven't seen anyone else do that in the tutorials I've read. Let me know and I'll make it happen.
  13. PDN is heavenly compared to Photoshop... I tried it at school a while back. I couldn't even manage to select a solid colored image so I could blur the edges. That's ignoring the part where I gave up trying to select it and just tried blurring the whole image (which I was also unable to figure out). The difference is like Mac and Windows to me lol.
  14. I use Photobucket. Just because all my others are there really. I do place some on deviant art though. I have seen photobucket resize some of my images, and possibly even degrade the quality slightly, but not all. I'm curious to see what everyone else dislikes about PB. Not to hijack this thread or anything.
  15. The Equation's plugin doesn't seem to work for me. I can't remember if it ever did, but then again, I don't ever remember using it. So, I just want to know if a later update of PDN broke the plugin, or if I should just go about reinstalling it. Right now it does nothing. Literally. Enter in an equation and nothing happens. However the text box below it does report some error. It's too long for me to tell you what it is though, as in the error extends beyond the length of the text box, so there's no way for me to read the whole thing. It says something like "Paint Dot Net requires ... dll...." Which is why I thought maybe a newer update broke it Thanks for your time.
  16. Did anyone mention Notch's mention of Paint.NET? In case you don't know who Notch is, he's the creator of Minecraft, that game everyone has been talking about (I've been addicted for months now).
  17. Apparently my old Gallery topic is MIA. Or at least it didn't show up in topics started by me, or the search bar :l If it shows up for you, well then...sorry lol. Anyway, I doubt any of you remember me because I'm almost never here. But lately I feel like my work has increased a bit and has a higher quality to it. Maybe I'm just full of myself though (that's why you guys are here though, always knocking my work down ) So, here are some of my most recent things that I really like. Oh and they aren't flawless by the way. I left some mistakes in them because...well Idk. Lazy I guess lol. Hidden Content: These are just two manipulations of this. I'm just rather fond of how they look :l More the second than the first Hidden Content: Sandstorm like thing. I made this from scratch, something I almost never do because I usually suck so much at it lol. Some of the sand should be blurred a bit, or softened up. Other than that I'm satisfied. Maybe a sun flare in the future when I learn how. Hidden Content: My current background and love for the week. I used two pictures of samus and resized them to match. Then I placed a black gradient over the upper layer samus that split right through the middle. Then I removed all black with the Color Reaper effect so that the two meshed together. The background was a complete (well not complete, but close) mistake and just turned out flat out awesome. Two problems with this 1) The Large Samus mask in the background has a jagged area that I meant to blurr out 2) The reflections are a little off. I never stare long enough at these images to care though, so I spend my time in other areas of my life. This is just a sig ratio pic that needs a little resizing to make it acceptable. But I'm lazy. Hidden Content: Haha I made this for me and a friend after watching My Little Ponies: Miracle of Friendship on youtube. Yes it was epic. I love the glowing and slight reflection I was able to get out of it.
  18. W@@dy

    I made this

    I made it large so I could apply it to a multitude of different sized desktops without distorting it. Plus the large sized allowed lots of detail and so on. I basically just stuck with the original resolution of the source picture
  19. I think this was my source picture, it was something very very similar to this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Full_moon.jpeg
  20. Oh so, (int) defines it as an integer, and without placing parenthesis around it like this ((int)(128+127*Math.Sin(r+t))).ClampToByte() It's left out of the ClampToByte() Method? I didn't realize the ClampToByte() was a method. It's rather obvious now, I just tend to overlook some of the more obvious things like this haha. So now it says int doesn't have a definition in ClampToByte Ugh, I hate being so ignorant and useless
  21. ColorBgra ColorFunc(double r, double t) { r /= 100; return ColorBgra.FromBgra( (int)(128+127*Math.Sin(r+t)).ClampToByte(), (int)(128+127*Math.Sin(r+t)).ClampToByte(), (int)(128+127*Math.Sin(Math.PI+r+t)).ClampToByte() ); } Like that? " 'double' does not contain a definition for 'ClampToByte' " Does that even make sense?...
  22. That's what I tried first, and then conversion errors arose. It's rather probable that I just don't know what I'm doing. I have virtually no proper knowledge in C#. I started coding on a TI-83, then started teaching myself C#. When college starts I'll get some real classes on this, but so far I only know what I've learned from online tutorials
  23. I'm trying to write effects in my spare time, very simple ones to get me started. I've been using the ones provided on boltbait.com, but some of the code is outdated Recently I've been trying to make lines at various angles This is the example provided // submenu: Render #region UICode double Amount1 = 45; // [-180,180] Angle #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { int w = dst.Width, h = dst.Height; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { int u = 2 * x - w, v = 2 * y - h; dst[x, y] = ColorFunc( Math.Sqrt(u * u + v * v)+Amount1, Math.Atan2(v, u) ); } } } ColorBgra ColorFunc(double r, double t) { r /= 100; return ColorBgra.FromBgr( Utility.ClampToByte(128+127*Math.Sin(r+t)), Utility.ClampToByte(128+127*Math.Sin(Math.PI/2+r+t)), Utility.ClampToByte(128+127*Math.Sin(Math.PI+r+t)) ); } Utility.ClampToByte is no longer used by PDN apparently, so how do I rewrite the last lines? I tried on my own, but it caused several errors with converting double to int values (which I also tried to solve)
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