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Everything posted by flip

  1. Update-age. Two new avatars. Reflections are cool. ;D EDIT: Oh, and re-did main page for the third time.
  2. When I want to save a file, sometimes Paint.net freezes. It also sometimes happens when I open a file too. But, I've found that all I have to do is press alt-tab and go to firefox, (which is always open on my computer) close it, and then the save/open box will come up. It's getting annoying. :?
  3. Good idea, but where would we put it? On the actual page or will there be a link to it? Also: http://xat.com/ In action: http://twilightphantasm.com/chatroom.php Might be useful.
  4. Stop double posting, man! Anyway, no. The cyan looks cool, but it looks the same shade as the shadow. Just wanted to make sure you didn't forget a step.
  5. skitzo did you delete the part of the shadow under the glass?
  6. Really? I actually thought everyone knew how to do it.
  7. flip

    Oma's gallery

    Is the background a close-up of a dandelion?
  8. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=30745 Made it. Enjoy.
  9. Tut requested by Skitzo and sam567. If it's considered too easy you can lock it, mods/admins. :oops: Also, sorry about the bad-ish quality. (All the images are .GIFs, after I read the rules it said I couldn't use PNGs ) So, in the end you'll be making this: 1. Get/make the image you want the glass block to be over. It shouldn't be too dark, or else the shadow won't show. I chose this flower. 2. Make a new layer and call it "shadow." Then, select the :ShapeInterior: tool, and make the color white WITH A TRANSPARENCY OF < 100. Well, at least not on opaque. Anyway, draw a rectangle. This will be the size of your glass block. For the image below, the transparency level is 124. 3. Duplicate layer "shadow." Call the top layer "glass." Here's how the layers should look now: 4. On the "shadow" layer, fill the rectangle into pure black. Now, the glass rectangle should look grey like this: 5. Use the :GaussianBlur: effect on the shadow layer at any value. The value will be how big you shadow is. 6. Go to the "glass" layer and select the tool. Select the box, and then go into the "shadow" layer while the box is still selected and press delete. This should make you end up with this: NOW. You could just end it here, it looks fine and dandy if you do, but you can add another effect. 7. Select the box in the "glass" layer again with the magic wand tool, then go to the background layer while the box is still selected, and blur it. Now it should look like this: ...And you're done! You can also add other effects to the part of the background that is under the glass. You can make it black and white, change the color with Hue/Saturation... you name it. But, I don't want to kill the creativity here so... you're on your own now. Post some of your creations. XJ14
  10. Would anyone else like a tut? I think it would be too simple compared to the other tuts there are...
  11. Really like this one. Cool.
  12. Very cool concept. Can't wait for it to be done.
  13. The waterfall looks kinda like toothpaste. :? Everything looks to "feathered" I think. And, because the big tree isn't that feathered, it kinda stands out too much, especially near the rocks. I think you need more :AntiAliasingOn: in the bottom left corner, as well. (On the ferns.) The sun rays are a nice effect and the leaves on the right are well done. It's not you best work, in my opinion, though.
  14. Thanks everyone. Also, look at the first post there's new stuff there that you didn't see before. I'll just post 'em now.
  15. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=22619
  16. Thanks guys. Matching avatar: Edit: Which one is better?
  17. Well, haven't posted here for awhile... new sig.
  18. Thanks. I re-did my gallery "home page" and added some new stuff. I post more stuff in my dA than here, so I would take a look at that.
  19. Thanks. I re-did my gallery "home page" and added some new stuff. I post more stuff in my dA than here, so I would take a look at that.
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