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Everything posted by snogry

  1. I'm not saying it's bad, but where are all the effects that were in the tutorial?
  2. Here's my go at this awsome tutorial I think i did a pretty good job. When i was about halfway through, a thought crossed my mind: "Why the hell am i doing this so small?". It was to late to change the size so i just though: "Meh". Great tut 10/10
  3. @Goonfella It looks like you used colour tint to change the colour of the ball. It's the sort of thing i would do but it sort of ruins it by making those white lines at the top coloured. You know what i mean? It looks great though
  4. Awsome tut, it's really good. My result: Hidden Content:
  5. I don't know why but i did the apple logo. I think it turned out pretty good.
  6. I don't know why but i did the apple logo. I think it turned out pretty good.
  7. Simple but i like the outcome. Thanks for the tut
  8. Great tut for noobs like me. =P Here are the ones i made. I think i left out the diagonal bars on the first one by accident, but i still think it looks pretty good. Hope you like them.
  9. Great tut for noobs like me. =P Here are the ones i made. I think i left out the diagonal bars on the first one by accident, but i still think it looks pretty good. Hope you like them.
  10. I'm a newb so mine hasn't turned out well at all but i'll show it to you and you might be able to help me to make it better.
  11. Best fire tut ever Tramojo it's unbelievably realistic! Anyway here's my attempt, I hope you like it.
  12. Very nice tut for beginners like myself. Since im a newb mine probably hasn't turned out that well, but here it is.
  13. Thanks Shadow! I've only been with pdn for about a month and im stunned at what sort of things it can produce!
  14. *Sighs* I told you to pm me with any requests about how i made it or what tutotials. But anyway, here's the link to the button tut. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=22691 Enjoy!
  15. Welcome to my gallery! Please look at the things i have made in pdn! Most of these pictures have been made from tutorials. But i just feel like showing off my work. Tutorials Hidden Content: Exploding Planet Explosion iWar Neon Highway Lord Of The Rings Style Ring Red Button, Blue Button, Green Button These buttons are really fun to make. Raindrop I got a picture of a leaf and created a raindrop, the raindrop was not pasted. A Little Bit Of Abstract A Bit Of Rainbow A Flower Or Something Do Not Press Dont press it. Last but not least Toy car Grunge Apple Logo Glossy Galaxy Ball Product Advertisment Mockup Folder Signatures Hidden Content: Pyrochild SigThis was a recreate of Pyrochild's sig. I think it turned out quite well. Noob Sig I think this was the first sig I made in Paint.Net User Bars Resident Evil 5 NBA Style Prototype Sig Infamous Sig Christmas Sig (For a different forum) Final Fantasy Sig Bleach - Ichigo (Hollow) sig(current sig) Constructive criticism is wanted! Any requests of where i got the tuts to make them (if i can remember) go to my pm box!
  16. Thanks man. I was really stuck on that. I'm a bit dumb >.
  17. I do the black background make a new layer then do the custom brushes plugin choosing the winter breeze brush then invert it but nothing happens! Please help me.
  18. Thanks for the tut! really cool. This is what i made...
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