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Posts posted by himself22

  1. Yeah I agree with barbieq, but I think it doesn't belong there and it doesn't make it look "clean." It makes it look kind of grungy because I can't really tell it's a fingerprint.

  2. jitter setting, i think i need to update my plugins :/

    I just did that a couple of weeks ago. A few things looked totally different, like smudge and Upload to...

    And now I have about 30 less plugins (all that I never used.).

    Falken: Stunning! I love the rings on the planet and the whole glow of the sun. Actually, there's nothing I really have to say that's bad about it except that there's a huge amount of unused space. Can I make that my desktop background?

  3. Wow! That's amazing! I can't draw for my life! The best thing I've ever made is an almost-straight line.

    Have you ever thought of entering some competitions, I'm not sure if non-photoshop programs are accepted in these comps, but if I were you with your Paint.net skill I would enter one here .

  4. Wow.

    Insanely amazing work! In the image with the orange and the cup and the ducks and wall (I forget what you called it.) Do you have a non-blurred image of the duck?

    I would really like to see it "up close."

  5. Buzzkill: 1

    CSM: 0

    There are positives and negatives to both. CSM's is kind of plain, with only the glass, but it's very realistic.

    Buzzkill's has more to it, but I don't really like how the moon fades out and the clouds next to the moon.

    My vote goes to Buzzkill.

  6. csm - 2

    punishr - 1

    That was hard. The saturated colors mixed with the chrome look in CSM's make it look great, while in punishr's, all the glows and the colors make it look good, too.

    But since punishr's is still pixelated, I vote for CSM.

    And I have to say, they're both top notch sigs.

  7. Things like this have happened to me before. What I do is right click the program in your start menu, click properties, than click change icon.

    The Paint.Net icon is here: "C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe".

    I don't know if this type of thread is allowed though. It's not really a Paint.Net problem.

  8. Use any of the selection tools in the toolbar (see here

    Click on one of them. Select the area you want to blur by clicking and dragging.

    Than go to Effects-Blur-gassiaun blur.

    Deselect than reselect the next part you want to blur.

    If sides of selected image turns partially transparent, than copy and paste that part on a new layer above it than blur.

    Edit: Beaten.

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