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Posts posted by himself22

  1. I like them, but how long have you been using Paint.Net?

    My favorite is probably the first, it looks almost like "burning metal."

    The second one I noticed in some areas there are little white pixels never mind, that might just be my browser, because when I copied it into PDN to circle them, they were gone. (Does anyone else see those white pixels), and it's a polar inversion based image, which I somewhat dislike, because the effect makes everything look better, so theres little effort.

    Third is very nice, nothing to say about that.

    Fourth I like the least, because theres no depth (Do you know what I mean? I'll explain if you don't) it it.

    Good work!

  2. I like this idea too, however I think that there should be a novice and an advanced category, so as not to confuse the newbies while still providing a fun challenge for the more experienced members.

    The question that this presents is whether the same person should host both competitions or whether they should both be hosted by different people who correspond when necessary?

    Another thing is this; if there were two difficulty categories, would the advanced one be a harder version of the novice tutorial or a completely different tutorial?

    How do you define newbie verses experienced users? Posts? How long you've been here? This is going to be somewhat difficult.

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