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Posts posted by LFC4EVER

  1. To answer your question, no, its not possible without distorting the image. Paint.NET isn't a 3D program and the image is a picture, not a 3D model that you can look at in a 3D program, so you wouldn't be able to rotate it without distorting. Even Photoshop can't do what you wish to do. ;)

    You best bets would be to find a better picture, try and download a 3D model of a camera and open it with a 3D program and image what the front would look like and try and make it yourself in PDN.

    Hope i helped. :)

  2. Here's my latest space scene: about ~80% completed.


    Criticism welcome, that's why it's here!

    its really awesome. loving the orange nebulae and parts of the blue one. The planets are awesome. Great textures. The orange planet's lighting is a bit off though.. rotate it anti-clockwise a little bit to match the bright part of the nebulae. the starfield looks awesome too. :)

    theres bits of the whole piece that look odd and out of place imo. i circled them cos it'd be a bit hard to explain. See here:


    a bit of over contrast and odd things that sort of look like rendered clouds are the things i've circled. i'd get rid of the top nebulae thingy i've circled and maybe replace it with a small planet.. i dunno - might look better or worse. :)

  3. the pink cloth thing on the side looks like a shape with lines + gradient. :(

    it sort of messes the piece up because its quite large and the shading on it doesn't quite fit the rest of the piece, such as the trunk where the shading is awesome.

    make it looks more cloth like with clear light and dark areas. Take a look at some silk cloth on google image search if you don't get what i mean. :)

    can't wait to see it finished though. :)

  4. I think it would be cool if PDN showed the number of layers in a file when its opened, near the bottom of the canvas where its shows info about the canvas and cursor position. Hopefully the image shows this better.

    I dunno if it'd be codeable but i think it'd be pretty cool to have. Useful for knowing how many layers you're using in a piece etc.


    there are 5 layers, and it shows the number there are. if there were 52 it'd say 52. You probably get the idea by now.

    So.. bad idea? or good?


  5. This is my first try at manipulating a photo.

    Hope it's not that bad.(crosses fingers)

    I started out with a black and white picture of a man with a soccer ball and a soccer field.

    I know smudge is fun, but don't smudge the football to make it seem like its moving fast. you've got blurs and other effects to do that. ;)

  6. Here's my latest attempt I have already posted in my gallery:

    I already know about the outline of the bottle being blurred. Any other comments would be appreciated.

    Nasty bit of :AntiAliasingOff: at the bottom of the bottle and the edges of the stand of the bottle. Maybe a bit of contrast on the chrome(?) part of the base? Great job though. :)

  7. He means perspective (i think - correct me if i'm wrong). He's right too. The chess pieces are seem dead on, but the chessboard is sort of angled. For it to be the correct perspective for both, you'd have to

    • [*:1ohirvop]make the chessboard seen dead on too (so you can only see the side(s) and not the top or bottom)

    • [*:1ohirvop]change the perspective of the pieces so they match the perspective of the board. You'd have to give a more 3d view of the piece, so you can see the some of the top of the piece.

    Also, the outline sort of ruins the 3d-ness of the pieces. It just makes them seem flat, when the shading makes it 3d-like. Get rid of the outline, and maybe add some shading on the sides. It should make them seem more rounded. :)

    The reflections are fantastically done though! I can tell that it wasn't a simple flip vertical, lower opacity + :AlphaChannel: gradient. The reflections actually looks like they should do. Great job. :D


  8. It's just so cool I am at loss for words. 8) 8) Beautifully done!!!! Also, you can use Volutes (Madjik's plugin) to create the patterns if you really wanted to. Nice job!

    Thanks Helen! :D Madjiks plugin is cool, but i haven't messed with it enough to create some good patterns. Yet.

    Nice mate. Very, very nice in fact :wink:

    The inlay effect works perfectly, as does the font. You've captured veneer/ plywood texture to a tee.

    (I might try this tut' ... I like the screw heads)

    Thanks man. The inlay effect is actually quite easy, but quite long :P. So was the texture. :)

    I absolutely love that image now. Good job. That is also an excellent tutorial.

    Thanks man. :)

    I am reminded of the old west where the saloon signs were often crafted with signs like you did, LFC. Excellent job translating the tutorial into PDN. Looks like we have two PS-converter masters.

    Thanks man. Really appreciate the compliment. :D

  9. No need for percentages. Just divide the given PS value by the max PS value and multiply by the max PDN value. So, just do (218/255)*180 and you'll get the PDN value.

    To save the hassle of doing this a lot of times for so many different values, i just made a spreadsheet where i can just plug the numbers in and it'll just update the cell to show the PDN value. And vice versa. :)

  10. hehe. 8)

    you can fix the shadows easily.

    If they're on their own layer, then just use Hue/Saturation on the shadow layer, set the Lightness to -100. Then just lower layer opacity to match lighting etc.

    Also, i'm guessing that the shadow between the wall and the floor is on its own layer. If i'm right, then invert the colours of it, and set its blend mode to colour burn and lower opacity. The edge where the wall and the floor meet is quite close, so you don't need to make the ends really dark. :)

    Great work. The knight looks awesome. I love the texture of the stone wall. Must of taken ages.. :)

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