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Everything posted by pipp92

  1. ronni is still the best good work btw
  2. yeah i have tried to anti-alias it, but it does'nt work^^
  3. common guys...227 views and only a few comments.
  4. pipp92


    I think that not all used ps for the contest. The site is a contest site for ps, but you can enter with other programms, because how should they know about that?^^
  5. Yes it's possible to use effects for sigs. Smudge-that's a bit difficault-maybe this helps link
  6. I have windows vista and i can edit the bigness of the prints
  7. Not really. edit: which brush did you use?
  8. my entry... stock images used: 1) 2) 3) edit:my sig has a white border, too^^
  9. I think it's a hard theme but i have an idea..i will enter although it's not the best sig ever
  10. Yes it's the right section I think there is no tutorial right away. But you can copy this effect with the custom brush plugin and brushes. link of plugin link of brushes
  11. pipp92


    look here http://www.worth1000.com/cache/gallery/ ... =photoshop that had been an contest for you
  12. How can you create a brush pic similar to lfc4evers sig with the custom brush plugin? i have no idea. i think it's very difficault with the plugin.
  13. in the first picture i don't see any yellow or black shadow. it's only around the gun. if you want the gun to be yellow you can use the colorbalance or the ed harvey effects for that. for the yellow outline you can add a new layer push it under the layer with you gun and then add color and blur it a bit.
  14. Not bad for your first pic. If you like you can add a complexer background to it. check out the tutorial section for that
  15. Install the newest version of net.framework.
  16. No idea whether something similar was posted
  17. why you add a gimp picture :?: :evil:
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