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Everything posted by Yata

  1. I don't know anything about the code, but these lines stand out. at PaintDotNet.Effects.PhotoFloodFillEffectConfigDialog.ResetLimits() at PaintDotNet.Effects.PhotoFloodFillEffectConfigDialog.txtPhotoFileName_TextChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) Looks like photo flood fill was involved.
  2. The problem with making PdN a 3D molding program is that those programs have a completely different layout and run things very differently. Look at google sketchup, then look at PdN, you can't tell me we can incorporate both without making the interface non-user friendly or not being able to make it work at all.
  3. The way you wrote it was confusing so don't get irritated with me. I will follow PS tuts because I like to challenge myself. And making your own PDN steps is the point behind reading a PS tut in the first place. Lets stop fighting, shall we? MiguelPereira That's really nice! It seems like you need to make it more transparent though, maybe add a bulge?
  4. Oh, I read it, but you don't understand what I said. I don't appreciate the 'rolling your eyes' either.
  5. Your very wrong, no, make that completely wrong. By reading and trying to reproduce Photoshop tutorials, you bring a new aspect into Paint.NET, you find new ways to do the said effect and you find new techniques. The hollywood effect you posted has nothing to do with this.
  6. I was considering the waterdrop and bubble tuts, but they do not give the same amount of detail the finished product of the PS tut gives.
  7. I found this photoshop tutorial and I cannot replicate it to be done in PdN so far. Could any of you look over this and possibility make a tutorial? Thank you
  8. Stickying a thread ensures it will never go to the last page of the forum, and also ensures it will always be in plain sight on the top of the forum. That's a very good thing.
  9. *Sniff* And... and all I wanted to do is compile the widget It's still 'invalid' or 'corrupt'.
  10. uH, your zipped folder is corrupt. When I tried to extract it, the folder came out empty. Also, all the files inside are non responsive.
  11. If you really want to upload the .PDN file itself, use Media Fire You don't even have to sign up :wink:
  12. Click the start button Click "control Panel" Click "mouse" Click the "Pointer Tab" Vola :wink:
  13. If this doesn't get stickied, I will have a heart attack
  14. This is just amazing, I really appreciate it! And yes, its also too much Kanji for me, as well. Edit: WOW for such a complex plugin, it renders in seconds!
  15. I'm not sure what your asking, but I might as well try to direct you to The Alpha Mask Import Plugin. Sorry I don't understand what your asking, but the mask and mask match in the names :wink:
  16. Also, read this. Read them all, but have a look at #4.
  17. No, I think it should be a "must post something here" for all (old/new) forum member (as well as the pictorium!) : add a new rule?! If any thread deserves an exception, it's this one :wink:
  18. ^^Yeah, I've chosen to do that in the past.^^
  19. This is a splendid tutorial, I love it :wink:
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