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Everything posted by Helio

  1. The 'Acquire' bug was really getting on my nerves. Works fine now. Thanks!
  2. Thank you for explaining, Dan. In this competition, there will be no coding at all. Period. Only a created screenshot of the supposed design will be accepted. ----- Now, if you would like to code your design, feel free to do so. And be sure to share by posting the stylesheet in the overflow or on dA. ----- I will open the first competition for posting in 3 days! =========== Firebug looks pretty good, I was using Stylish.
  3. Hmm, I don't think so. It's just for fun, and he would of crushed the idea long ago if he didn't like it.
  4. I thought that we're supposed to work on our submission for the SOTW after it has been started.
  5. Mmmm, hate to brake it to you, but not really. Un-blurring is not possible. I would suggest this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=4097 Sometimes, it can produce a clearer image. Sorry!
  6. Wow. The part on the right looks exactly like an antique photo. Nice one!
  7. Look-y here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2309
  8. If you can code, that's great. I love coding myself. But there are many people on this forum that wish to participate that have no coding experience whatsoever. Let's keep it inclusive and only create screenshots. Another coding competition can be started if wanted, but it should be seperate. Cool?
  9. Seamless helper will only do what you want if the canvas is exactly the size of the image that you want to tile.
  10. Or click with the scroll wheel if you have that type of mouse and are using IE7/Firefox. Opens in a new tab.
  11. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/55926531/ *clicky* Ahh. Yes. Watched list. :RedEyeRemoval: The eye of Sauron is watching you...
  12. How large (filesize wise) is the image? I'm not sure if you've set up your account like this, but mine looks like so: image Any image that's not larger than 1MB is left alone. If it is larger than 1MB, though, and you can't put up the full version, you should totally email me that image, fullsize. Yeah, I had it set up that way too. I guess I should of said Photobucket doesn't like 3.26MB images. Sure, I'll send it to ya, or wait, maybe I'll give you a link when I put it up on devArt. Nice screenshot, BTW.
  13. Since planets are being posted again, I'll join in the fun! Unfortunately, this one's about 50% GIMP. Edit: Hmmm. It seems that Photobucket doesn't like 1500x2500 images. It resized it automatically.
  14. In a sig? It would be tough/impossible for anyone to properly exhibit their skill just cuz the canvas is so small... What throne? And I beg to differ. 150px is plenty of space for, well, space.
  15. Hello and welcome! I believe this is what you are looking for: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1238 I may be misunderstanding your question... take a look.
  16. We could have competitions like that, but this one would be for skinning only. Any theme or design you want as long as it redesigns the program/page.
  17. I was thinking that we would start with skinning PDN... since it sounds pretty fun and has been fairly popular. Two entries sounds good. I have already thought about the rules... but, you won't be able to see them until I start the first MSC on Friday, June 1.
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