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Everything posted by TinSoldier

  1. Alt-printscreen will take a screenshot of just the active window.
  2. I use command line tools to do that. http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/pngutils.htm Mostly I use pngquant to convert to 8-bit and pngcrush to sometimes recover about 20% or so space in a file. I know it isn't the solution you are looking for, but maybe it will help.
  3. Oooh. That looks like a star system starting to form!
  4. Yes, it is possible. Download and install 2.72. Go into the Program Files or wherever it is installed and copy the folder Paint.NET to Paint.NET-2.72 or something like that. You should have two folders now. Then launch Paint.NET (from the original location) and update. It will only update the original copy. You will still have a copy of Paint.NET 2.72 in its own folder. You can still drag a shortcut out of the Paint.NET-2.72 folder for launching the older version.
  5. Wow! That's a really nice effect.
  6. If you are talking Mexican beer only, then Dos Equis all the way.
  7. I think your sig image looks great! I think the image blends in just fine and I don't see any artifacting whatsoever. However, if you want to make it better then even though you don't have the PDN, if you still have the original image, then I would use the feather around the edges before merging it. I don't think that plugin was available when you made it. Again, I think it looks great as-is.
  8. I don't know about every day, but I always plug it on the Order of the Stick forums and the Goblins forums.
  9. Thanks for the feedback -- I'll continue experimenting.
  10. It's still not that much better, but I used the outline effect a bit more in cutting out Gandalf and the the die.
  11. I feathered it a couple of times... I might have to try something else to blend it in better. I didn't cut out Gandalf that well either. Too much old background around his beard.
  12. It reminds me of something on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network or something. That's not a bad thing. Maybe a bit more antialiasing.
  13. Better. I didn't mean to sound too critical--I love your drawings!
  14. No. I can't make out any details below the waist.Even after adjusting the contrast and brightness on my monitor. Of course, I come here from three different computers so it is hard to say how it would appear on one of the other two monitors.
  15. I like it! It seems a little dark though. There's not much contrast between the character and the background.
  16. I don't need the PDN file, but thanks for the offer. On the new avatar, it's nice but a little dark.
  17. Hellfire010 and entY8, those are very cool pictures. Hellfire010, I think you captured the iPod very nicely. You only used the tools available in PDN, right? No cut and paste?
  18. On the Lord of the Rings one, the Eye of Sauron would be better in the sky than the One Ring.
  19. Sorry I missed that bit. But I'm still not duplicating it. The original image is 117x117. The reason the bounding rectangle is 92x117 is because part of it is off of the new canvas. The part that won't be pasted is subtracted from the total. Does that make sense? I'm not sure if that is how it is supposed to work or not. If you are getting a different error then I cannot duplicate it.
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