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Posts posted by trickman

  1. heres a way to do it in paint.net just for you trickman this is done in 3.0 it will work in 2.7 as well though

    1. open the image in paint.net

    2. Go to Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast

    3. Put contrast to 100 and brightness to -100

    4. Select magic wand and hols shift and click on the white part of the image.

    5. press delete button on keyboard

    6. Select magic wand and hols shift and click on the transparent part of the image.

    7. Select edit > invert selection or ctrl + i

    8. copy selection

    9. paste selection on to a new layer on the image you want the watermark on.

    10. go to layers > layer options

    11. Change opacity to about 70 and click ok.

    now it is done. ill add images to it later today.

    That isn't the exact solution either... Color2Alpha, my friend, Color2Alpha.

  2. #2 is very good.

    I think the "eyedropper" could be used for your first request...

    Where is this "eyedropper" of which you speak? Is it something in v3.0? I'm still using v2.7.

    Clone stamp almost does the job, but I still think there should be an option to match on color wheel for a particular pixel.

    Eyedropper, next to the pencil tool, shortcut = Capital E.

    I don't clearly understand 2, but I guess you can use the alpha mask plugin...

  3. I would NEVER use a paint program that doesn't support some form of vector drawing. Why? Because vector drawings/layers allow you to outline ANY raster objects for the purpose of precise antialiased vector selections. Really, there is no better way of doing this than using splines handles with curve, cusp, symetric, asymetric, curve, and line vector nodes.

    Ok, so don't use Paint.NET then.

    Wow, what a user friendly community you've built. Instead of explaining how you would approach the needs of the community, in my case precise antialiased selections, you come back with 'thanks, and don't let the door hit you on the way out' type comment. I've read other comments here about posts being deleted due to feature requests, and other snide comments from the developers.

    I guess you'll get things your way in the end. In other words I am left with a bad impression, and will tell people to steer clear of your product. Good job!

    Wait a sec, Rick is probably just in a bad mood today...

    I've read other comments here about posts being deleted due to feature requests, and other snide comments from the developers.

    That isn't true. That guy was just picking on rick, probably why he is in bad humor now...

  4. Hi there, when I draw a rectangular selection in Paint.Net, I always find myself wanting to nudge it with the arrow keys. Otherwise, I have to get the selection exactly right on my first attempt.

    You can do it if you hold the mouse button and use the arrow keys.

    I would also love to see the ability to add to a selection by holding the Shift key...


    as well as things like Ctrl-drag to cut and move the selected contents.


  5. The perfect antialiased watermark technique:

    Copy the image into paintshop.


    Create a new source luminance with inverted data mask from image.

    Fill the image with all black.

    Load the selection from the mask.

    Copy and paste into a new image.

    The result (enlarged 200%):


    Then just place on some image in a layer with 25% opacity:


    Wow! That's a great PAINT.NET solution!!! So good it doesn't get paint.net mentioned and so shouldn't be in this forum...

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