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Posts posted by trickman

  1. I'm not asking you to change the system requirements, I respect the reasons you've stated for progressing on with SP2. I would just like access to a version I can use please.

    I've found an old version here,


    Paint.NET 2.64 (3 MB)

    http://www.oldapps.com/download.php?fil ... t_2_64.exe

    Would someone mind running an MD5 on it to make sure it's a legit version. As I say I'm in a corporate environment and don't want to download something that might not be from a legitimate source.

    I would have thought making an SP1 version available for people to try is reasonable.


    I suggest you not to download any old version at all, because it isn't allowed by rick, therefore not supported by rick, and it might contain spyware or viruses.

  2. Well, I wish people like that would just be sent to jail...


    Allright here's the last e-mail I just sent. Hopefully this ends this little saga.

    Thank you for removing the website contents and ceasing the distribution of the "Visual Paint" software which was infringing on my copyright and the copyrights of others. You did the right thing, and we all appreciate it.

    I encourage you to pursue other ventures which do not involve Paint.NET. And yes, I do have the legal copyright to Paint.NET, along with the other contributors that are credited. That's why it says "Copyright © Rick Brewster..." all over the source code and the downloads.

    If you need in-depth details as to what the license permits, and also what it does not permit, then I recommend that you consult with a lawyer. Trust me, the license isn't as simple as it sounds -- I've spoken with lawyers about it in the past. Sometimes it seems like they have their own language, and things don't always mean what you or I would think they're supposed to mean.

    Anyway, best of luck to you,

    -Rick Brewster

    It always pisses them off when you send a very formal looking, very calm, message. I hope this was indeed resolved...

    Yeah! XD

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