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Posts posted by trickman

  1. I feel like a complete and total noob by asking a question like this. I've read tutorials and looked through the G.D. board, but I still can't figure this out.

    My problem is that I want to create nifty little banners, like this:


    But I can't figure out how.

    I think I've read through four different tutorials and other boards pertaining to the subject, but I don't understand any of it.

    Would someone be able to explain it to me in as simple of a way as possible? It would be greatly appreciated and I would bow down to you for half of forever.

    LITTLE? That's HUGE for a banner!

    As for the effect, you gotta search for a pattern, apply it with the Photo Flood Fill plugin on a new layer and try different blend modes.

  2. Art is personal. I can't do your "art".

    But I could share ideas and plugins...

    See the topic here :



    For explosion you could experiment the theta curves plugin will the following settings:


    Then select outside the form and invert the selection (ctrl+I) so you could use the gradient to start your explosion...

    This is what I get:


  3. My perception is that if a planet explodes, chances are that the sun is nearly dead and thus is either expanding (as our sun will do) or is becoming extremely dark (implosion, and what the sun in my picture is doing) casting the planets into an internal freeze.

    From our view they'd then be black (or dark). So an explosion (implosion?) from the inside would be the only light visible, and since each planet has a different core (color, size, heat, etc), the color would be unknown, so I made it green since it works well being bright over black.

    Riiight. Now in english :P

  4. Hello,

    Could you please change the text tool in order to create a new layer automatically when I write the text?

    Also, could you make it possible to edit the text?

    A text tool like Photoshop would be great.


    :roll: Search before posting...

    It is really hard to code something like that.

    Yeah. And anyways, Photoshop's is actually pretty bad. I use both Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro regularly, and the one in PSP is far superior from my experiences.

    All I would like Paint.NET's to do is create a new layer and be able to use an outline color as well as a fill color.

    Click me.

  5. The first one is just a few pictures blended together using different blending techniques (I was reading a photoshop tutorial on how to make cool forum signatures and decided to take some of its ideas and use them in Paint.NET) >.> I used the grid tool for the checkers though, I though they looked cool in there, I just had to erase parts of them.

    And MegaNight, what do you mean rubbish....?

    Rubbish = Trash = Bad.

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