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Everything posted by trickman

  1. nope. Layer is NEGATION and clouds are DIFFERENCE.
  2. Question: I suggest the Conditional Hue/Saturation plugin. Suggestion: I do my own speech bubbles, rounded rectangles, lines, delete some stuff, fill it on a new layer below with tolerance 68%. Other question: I'm not understanding.
  3. It's not Portuguese. I don't know who are the coronas or whatever...
  4. Search before posting, I believe text editing is REALLY HARD to code...
  5. Madjik, you could put a dropdown box with the options "star" and "poligon". It's kinda stupid to have a 1-255 slider instead if sometimes nothing appears or appears a star or appears a poligon. A brush width slider would also be nice.
  6. I think this is related to alpha blending, right?
  7. you can use the move tool... Podes usar a ferramenta "mover" e arrastar os pontinhos para fazer isso...
  8. maybe because paint.net is an image editor and writer is a text editor... you can always save the image and then tell writer to import image from a file.
  9. This was asked before... Rick said it was hard to code, I believe.
  10. I agree 100% on that. Some posts seam to be asleep. They need from us new topic to reborn... Ok, ok, calm down...
  11. Search before posting... http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1719
  12. Well, Brazilian Portuguese is similar to Portuguese. The only difference is the writing of some words, and some grammar.
  13. Nice one bark! A tut would be nice for begginers, although I think how you did it.
  14. Oi! Está em português brasileiro? Parece português de portugal! Parabéns, está boa, mas ainda faltam traduzir algumas coisas... EDIT: It's Brazilian Portuguese? It looks like it's Portuguese from Portugal! Congrats, it's good, but it lacks some things...
  15. madjik, I don't really like it, it's kinda... strange.
  16. ... I'm editing with more precise steps. EDIT: I probably know now what's happening. Open a SMALL IMAGE and click the mouse (with rect select tool) on anywhere BUT THE IMAGE/TOOLBARS, then drag it to the image and the selected area keeps 0x0.
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