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Everything posted by BuzzKill

  1. I think the "Send your vote to CMD" link is the way to go. It's by far the easiest way to ask for, and provide a means for, people to vote. Asking people to go off-site in order to vote may not appeal to some as it would involve more steps to be taken. I think ease and simplicity is the way to go... EDIT: Bob does provide some good reasoning about the shyness and interaction aspect of voting, though.
  2. Thank you for the response and your vote, CMD. The total number of votes is what I was looking for. I don't really care who voted for whom. I just wanted to see if there were enough people voting to continue my participation in the contests. On that note, I would like to see more people participating in these contests. Both in votes and entries.
  3. Congratulations, CMD! Tied, huh? Vote totals..? EDIT: Let me rephrase that last question... What was the total amount of votes cast? There, much better.
  4. That issue has always been an annoyance for me. I'll third it...
  5. Keep working at it... TIP: Try adjusting the opacity, blending, and curves of some of the layers... :wink:
  6. Have they been announced yet? You stated in an above post they're going to be announcing them in 08-08-08...
  7. You're welcome. Correct. It would be nice you could hide the selection by way of the Ctrl key. The Text tool makes use of this nifty little feature....
  8. When there is a selection present, switch to the Move Selected Pixels tool, click and hold anywhere on the canvas. This action will make the selection disappear until you un-click. Be sure to hold the mouse still as to not to move your selection. "But, wait!".... the History Windows says you did infact move the selection.:shock: Well, if you didn't move the mouse then you didn't move the selection. I'm assuming that it's just simply recognizing you clicked on the canvas with that tool. In any case, if you're unsure if the selection moved or not, simply undo it.
  9. These links may be useful: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3031 http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3892
  10. http://www.dafont.com/wc-rhesus-bta.font http://www.dafont.com/wc-rhesus-b-bta.font
  11. I use it... Okay... But there is a difference. 0-255 is standard byte value, and controls the tolerance of the alpha-channel redefining. At 0, alpha values are either 255 (fully opaque) or 0 (fully transparent). At 1, they can be 255, 0, or 127 (half transparent). For only 1 notch of difference, I find that pretty significant. I never said there wasn't a difference... I was just simply stating that changes that minute seem trivial. That's all... But hey, it's your plugin....
  12. Thank you very much for making this one, pyro! Primary color determines the color of the outline. Suggestions: 1) Adjust the 'Width' inputs to only allow 1 thru 10. Anything above 10 is really overkill and will most likely never be used. 2) The 'Softness' should start at where you have the preset set at. Meaning, 127 should be the minimum. Only it wouldn't be 127 anymore... It would be 1. In the settings 126 and downward, the changes in roughness are extremely minute and hardly noticeable.
  13. Hahaha... Nice... and you're welcome :wink: EDIT: "and you're welcome" was supposed to be "and thank you"
  14. Actually, FrEaK, that would not work well at all. Janet, try typing out what you would like in the color you wish to be in the middle. Then, duplicate that text layer. You'll notice that after duplicating, the top layer is selected in the Layers Window. Select the layer below it, your original text layer. Invert the color of the text by way of Ctrl+Shift+I. Don't worry about the color right now as this is only done so we can differentiate between the two texts. Gaussian Blur that layer. A 4 - 6 pixel radius usually works well. Now that the bottom of the two texts is blurred, duplicate it, the bottom one. Now merge the two blurred texts together. Duplicate that merged layer. Now merge those two. You can now see the beginnings of a border around your original text. Repeat as necessary until you are satisfied with the results. After you are happy with your border, select the bottom of the two text layers and open up the Hue / Saturation dialog (Ctrl+Shift+U). Now adjust the Hue until you are satisfied with the color. All that is left to do is to flatten (or merge). There you have it. EDIT: You can do what Ben describes below but the results are not very sharp or clean. The method I describe above yields much nicer results:
  15. And here I thought it was because of my sunshine demeanor... yes, I was being sarcastic
  16. The awards are aligned. They are aligned by way of the bottom of each award. Also, they are evenly spaced... +1 pixel for the last two... EDIT: It seems the space on either side of the C|NET one isn't equal... EDIT #2: Are you suggesting I align them by way of their center?
  17. Resize your pictures beforehand. Meaning, before you do anything, open an image, resize it, and then save it. Then, open another image, resize it, and then save it. So on and so on. After you have resized all the images individually, Open up your main (big) image and use Layers > Import From File to bring them into your main image...
  18. Are you referring to this? As mentioned above, the clouds were not made in PDN. Therefore, they are not on a dedicated layer. Furthermore, after cropping and masking the cloud image used, I applied a white-to-transparent gradient on a layer above it, changed it's blending, merged it w/the cloud image, and then I masked it once more. In conclusion, using the Channel Blur (set to alpha) will have no effect.
  19. I'm not sure I follow what you're saying, uH. Can you provide me with an example?
  20. @CMD Thank you, sir! @Stephan No, the clouds were not made in PDN. Less innovative than others... perhaps. I chose not to do a total overhaul for the sake of familiarity...
  21. Another go at it: [Full Size] Is the logo still too big? Thoughts? Comments?
  22. Uhmm... No. But since you think it is... here: Happy now?! One wouldn't know compared to your posting habits...
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