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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. There was an eighth dwarf, Lumpy... but he died of cancer.
  2. Like this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3434
  3. ? What do you mean? -1 Your firewall forbids this site? -2 I shoudln't put the direct link? -3 The link isn't correct? (I've check it before and just now : ok) 2. Direct linking is considered rude (to the site owner).
  4. OK, black is tough. But, you could use this effect... http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1102 ...to change a red car to blue (for example). By the way, I edited your thread title to be more descriptive.
  5. Helio, nice job. OK, you're elected to rewrite the tutorial for Paint.net.
  6. Here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2051 Since Paint.NET does not have mask layers, you need to simulate that by using 2 layers--one with minimal effect and one with maximum effect. Then using a trasnparent gradient to switch between the two layers. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2756
  7. Ah, yes, my mistake. I assumed that you were after the same level of automation that the original poster was after! Yes, your script does a fine job.
  8. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were trying to ADD to an existing image. In order to do that, simply start by adding a new layer. This new layer will be where you put your text. Then, follow the instructions above. Here's how to use the recolor tool: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/3.0/en/RecolorTool.html The Layer Docker is the Layer Window.
  9. This has been discussed before. Basically, you can simulate this effect by using 2 layers and a transparent fade between the two.
  10. Nice, but you don't actually lighten up the picture at all. How about like this: void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) // White Balance plugin // Uses Primary colour as user-selected grey point { int r, g, b; int RShift, GShift, BShift; //local variable for primary colour ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor; // RGB values of primary colour r = PrimaryColor.R; g = PrimaryColor.G; b = PrimaryColor.B; int brighter; brighter = (r>g)?r:g; brighter = (brighter>?brighter:b; brighter = 255-brighter; //RGB correction for primary colour - reduces this colour to grey RShift = (r+g+b)/3-r; GShift = (r+g+b)/3-g; BShift = (r+g+b)/3-b; PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds); Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); for(int y = rect.Top; y { for (int x = rect.Left; x { if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y)) { //apply RGB shifts to current pixel r = (int)src[x,y].R+RShift+brighter; g = (int)src[x,y].G+GShift+brighter; b = (int)src[x,y].B+BShift+brighter; dst[x, y] = ColorBgra.FromBgra( Utility.ClampToByte(, Utility.ClampToByte(g), Utility.ClampToByte(r), src[x,y].A); } } } } This is far from perfect, but I think you get my idea. Using this on the sample image from the first page, you can see that the contrast of the image needs to be increased.
  11. Had you upgraded to my updated CodeLab, you wouldn't be asking me that question... http://boltbait.googlepages.com/codelab Oh, and the reason I suggested using both primary and secondary colors, is that with the user sampling White for primary and Black for secondary, you can calculate if increasing the contrast of the image is necessary.
  12. Chill, there is currently now way to access the mouse location inside of an effect. One way to get around this is to instruct the user to use the Color Picker tool to select (from the image) White as the primary color and Black as the secondary color before running your effect. Getting the primary/secondary colors is trivial in an effect. Another way to handle this is to display a thumbnail in the effect's UI and capture mouse clicks from there. True, but I find the levels adjustment much more difficult to use.
  13. It is not possible now, however, this is something that Rick has been thinking about and will implement in the (far?) future. More info here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 5608#15592
  14. Guidelines are given here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 4338#24338
  15. I think the best way to add an outline to text is to do it this way: 1) Start with a new canvas. Press Ctrl-A (to select all) and Del (to make the entire canvas transparent). You should now have a canvas that looks like a checkerboard--this means that the entire thing is transparent. 2) Select the color and font that you want your text to be, then type your text on the transparent layer. 3) In your layers window, duplicate your text layer. Make the top layer invisible (for now). 4) Select the lower layer in the layers window. Using the recolor tool, change the text color to the color you wish your outline to be. 5) Gaussian Blur the outline layer the amount of the thickness of your desired outline. For example, if you want a 2 pixel outline for your original text, Gaussian Blur this layer with a value of 2. 6) In the layers docker, duplicate this outline layer. 7) Repeat step 6 at least 10 times (or until the text outline looks solid). 8) In the layers window, turn on the visibility of the topmost text layer (that you had made invisible earlier). That's it. You can flatten the image if you wish. Here is the result of Arial 24 Bold with a 2px outline:
  16. Wow ... that would take like 5 seconds to code up a plugin for. I think I just found a feature for v3.02 8) What's the proper name for this effect? It's called "sketch". Here is the original tutorial on the concept: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1560 If you read through the thread, there is an option for colored pencil as well as the original black and white.
  17. Show us a picture of what you want. It may already be possible. For example, look into the circle, square, and linier reflected gradients.
  18. Here is a picture of my front yard as of Feb 25, 2007: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/49913073/ "Unbalanced Climate Change" (Scaled down, color corrected, and touched-up in Paint.NET.)
  19. how do i change the resolution? (sorry for stupid question) Not a stupid question at all. I just don't know the answer. Each scanner is different.
  20. Perhaps the settings are different now and you are scanning at a much higher resolution? Just a guess...
  21. My best advice is to focus better when using the camera. Several things are a pain in the ... uh... backside to fix later--focus being one of them.
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