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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. It's actually not a bug, it's working just fine. What's happening is that when you press Delete, the Move tool is deactivated so that the Erase Selection command can perform its action. Deactivating the Move tool causes it to "drop" (or "commit") whatever pixels it was working with on to the current layer. But in thinking about it I don't believe it'd be too hard to change the behavior. Basically the Move tool would have to get a first-chance to handle the delete key. From a UI perspective this might mean changing the text in the Edit menu to "Discard selected area" or something, while the Move Selected Pixels is active with a "lifted" selection. Being called "Photoshop Lite" is something I see as a good thing, as is it closer to what we're aiming for nowadays. Like Bob said, this would defeat the ability to augment selections. In addition, I think it would be confusing to the user to have the active tool changed "under their nose." We have deliberately chosen a more Photoshop-style interface here because it enables much more sophisticated editing. Also, we cannot have the selection tools do double-duty as "Move Selected Pixels" tools (e.g. when you have the mouse "inside" the selection) for many reasons. I'm pretty sure we'll be able to get in some right-click menus in some key areas for our next big release. We've just never had the time to get a good foundation for this in place. Well I disagree that Paint does a better job. And of course the UI can be improved, although I'd hardly hold Paint up on a pedestal in this area. But when comparing to the likes of GIMP, Digital Image Suite, and Paintshop Pro, Paint.NET comes out ahead in terms of a simplicity:power ratio. And Paint.NET may not be as simple as Paint, but it is much more powerful.
  2. You're going to have to ask elsewhere man, this is a Paint.NET forum, not Windows Support.
  3. If you're buying a full computer, it'll come with a Windows CD. If you're assembling your own computer you'll just need to purchase it from whomever you're ordering parts from.
  4. So paste it on to a new layer. Ctrl+Shift+V. I don't have a position on them. I didn't even know they existed until "Bill" started telling me to "take another look at Paint."
  5. My recommendation is that if you aren't 100% sure that you need Windows XP x64 Edition, that you get the "regular" Windows XP Professional (or Home). There are still some kinks getting worked out in the land of 64-bit Windows, mostly in the area of hardware support (driver availability).
  6. We don't update every 5 days. The application just looks for updates up to once every 5 days. It will tell you when there is an update available and give you a way to install it quite easily (just click "Install" and it does it all). Turning off the update checking won't really affect performance at all.
  7. Brush opacity is essentially broken right now; try it, you'll see. And yes that's on our Big List Of Things To Make Way Better. The translucency does serve a purpose other than "neat-o"-ness, but hey if you don't like it then just turn it off with the Window -> Translucent menu command.
  8. Using Character Map will help too (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Character Map). You can find the characters you need with that, and it will tell you in the bottom left what the Unicode number is for it. Such as, "U+0021: Exclamation Mark". For this you would use 0021; in the resx file.
  9. I believe you'll have to embed these using ___; notation, as per details I found on the Wikipedia here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_and_HTML
  10. The system requirements are listed on our download page, http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/download.html
  11. Yeah I accidentally changed my avatar to be the same as my signature, went "oops" and then decided I wasn't really worried about it anyway.
  12. Yeah I was going to say something like, "I ate it!" but then it came back (the logo that is).
  13. Haven't we gone over this before ............... 1) Use a meaningful title in your post. I'm getting really tired of threads that have the title "How do I do this?" 2) I'm sure there's something in the Tutorials forum that goes into detail on masking and/or background extraction. Please go do some research before posting.
  14. Yup, says so right at the bottom of the main page ( http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/index.php )
  15. Don't forget the Move Selected Pixels tool. Just Ctrl+A (select all), press M, then drag with the right mouse button. Also, I've changed this thread's name to something less generic.
  16. v2.61 checks every 5 days, actually. v2.5 was set to 14 days. Our betas check every day.
  17. Paint.NET does not require an Internet connection. I don't know where you read that.
  18. It doesn't matter, let's stop calling things lame and "not very good". The domain name is just fine.
  19. It looks like other forums on forumer.com are having similar problems, if you browse through http://forum.forumer.com/forumdisplay.php?f=38
  20. For our v2.6 and 2.61 releases, we were hoping to finish up the German translation of our help file. Unfortunately, this did not happen in time and we still have 25 help pages that are unfinished. I get at least one e-mail a day asking where the German help ("Hilfe") is! I wish I could tell them it was available. I'd like to put out a v2.62 release that includes a finished German help file. I don't know German, and Dennis is currently very busy with other work-related stuff. So, is there anybody fluent in both English and German who would be willing to finish the translation of our help file? Your name will appear in the credits for v2.62, but otherwise this is a volunteer job (no pay). I can provide a ZIP file that contains what we have translated so far: all the screenshots, and 40% of the text. Just reply to this thread if you are interested. Thanks.
  21. The other type of curve that our Line/Curve tool supports is just a simple spline. Basically it ensures that the curve always goes through each control point (nub), whereas bezier curves have different properties.
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