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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. fd;wjel2joi;23;ioJ:coffee:23f23rf hj0gwsyhd I accidentally my copy paste
  2. Win7 should have .NET 3.5 SP1 installed already. If you've removed it, then ... well ... un-remove it I guess.
  3. Screen capture functionality will never be integrated into Paint.NET. There are already a million utilities for this out there. Pick one and use it. Window Clippings already has "send to Paint.NET" built-in.
  4. Install .NET 3.5 SP1 first. .NET 4 is only used if it's the only framework installed. If you're on Vista then you will always have .NET 2 and 3 installed, and Paint.NET cannot use .NET 4 in that case.
  5. Paint.NET only works with 8-bits per color channel. No more, no less. Other color depths are supported when saving or loading, but when it's in memory it's always 8-bits per color component (32-bit RGBA). Even a 1-bit monochrome TIFF from a fax machine gets expanded to 32-bits when opened (which is why you see people asking, "I opened a 800KB TIFF and it said out of memory whyyyyyyyy"). You won't be able to use Paint.NET for this purpose.
  6. 1. Just press Enter. 2. Stop being such a jerk. 3. I'm closing your moronic thread. The UI was designed to work this way for good reason. Apparently you have a superiority complex. Shake it off, then come back.
  7. Like Simon said, nope, sorry. Perpetually, this is on the wish list. Maybe some day, but please don't hold your breath for it.
  8. Right, I figured out that much. But like I said, even if Paint.NET could save as 16-bit grayscale, it would lose a lot of precision when it opened the same image again later.
  9. Hmm. Well even if Paint.NET supported saving as 16-bit grayscale, it wouldn't be able to load it back in correctly. Paint.NET only ever uses 32-bit RGBA, and thus once you opened it again it would be as if you'd saved as 8-bit grayscale. (each color component is 8-bits) In any case, Paint.NET just isn't a map editor ...
  10. 16-bit grayscale? Huh, interesting. What for? (I'm curious)
  11. You not wanting to install SP3 isn't an excuse for anything. Like pyro said, go install SP3. Or, get Windows 7. Stop being such a weirdo.
  12. Easy. Try to install Paint.NET. If .NET 3.5 SP1 isn't around, it'll just go and install it for you. ... waits as you try it out ... See, wasn't that easy? It did all the work for you (Computers are great at automating things!) And no, there's no conflicts between XP SP3 and .NET 3.5 SP1. You shouldn't have any trouble there.
  13. It's so much easier and better to just install SP3. It's free, for cryin' out loud! It's 2 years old! You've had plenty of time! It's free! Please! Do it!
  14. The units selected in the toolbar are always persisted. You don't have to use Choose Tool Defaults If it isn't being saved then you probably have an issue with your registry permissions or something. Not Paint.NET's fault.
  15. You can come up with all sorts of clever things, but in the end the only thing you'll get is an inbox full of confused users.
  16. You can do whatever UI you want, but you'll have to stop using IndirectUI and implement all of the WinForms layout and data binding yourself. Not very fun, honestly. That's the whole reason I created IndirectUI.
  17. Worst UI ever, honestly ... Then again, IndirectUI doesn't give you all the most complete bestest UI flexibility ever.
  18. http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/?software 5.81% of Steam users have Paint.NET installed.
  19. Condescending remarks mean you're gonna be on your own with this one. Thread Closed
  20. Unfortunately his local hardware store has been hit pretty hard by the recession, and has to be closed ... Either that, or G4OFUC should stop posting when high. Thread Closed
  21. This isn't a legal help forum. You'll have to figure this out elsewhere. Thread Closed
  22. Thread closed. "Help!" as a thread title is completely unhelpful.
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