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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. I didn't say I disliked it. I was merely pointing out what is currently available. Please don't infer emotion when none is present. Sometimes I think I should change my avatar to a picture of a robot ...
  2. If you want the path, it's in the registry. The UI menu only displays the file name, but the full path has to be stored. HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Paint.NET
  3. Origins? You gotta be more specific about what you need. Are we talking backstory like X-Men Origins, or like ... the file's full path?
  4. No, we won't fix it for you. Feel free to ask question on how you could touch it up, however.
  5. File->Exit will give you the "Unsaved Changes" dialog and you can click Save, which will then go and save everything. It'll also quit, but hey ...
  6. Anyway, the problem is solved: upgrade to the latest version, and use Window->Reset. (Using search would've found this, btw) Thread Closed
  7. Please read the rules and use a thread title that isn't the undescriptive "I need a little help." Thread Closed
  8. Without any further details, this could mean any number of things.
  9. It's really quite simple: just ask the author of the video. This isn't really a Paint.NET related question at all, ... Thread Closed
  10. I was the one who deleted your original post. Clearly, if we're removing your post then we don't want it on the forum. This isn't a democracy. We aren't customer service reps and we don't need to explain anything, ever. Keep that in mind. And, ... Thread Closed
  11. Paint.NET may not be embedded in any way into any other project, whether it's commercial or academic or whatever. The license prohibits this. If you actually read the license you might know this. And, STOP SHOUTING, AND STOP USING UNHELPFUL THREAD TITLES LIKE "IN NEED OF HELP". (If you had read the rules ...) Maybe I should start posting new threads where the titles are Banana, waffle, and Waffle, but with unrelated content. It would be just about as informative. Thread Closed
  12. Or you could just put the one-time calculation stuff in OnSetRenderInfo. Using single-threaded mode is not going to help your performance problems in the least. On my system, your plugin would now be up to 6x slower!
  13. fd;wjel2joi;23;ioJ:coffee:23f23rf hj0gwsyhd I accidentally my copy paste
  14. Win7 should have .NET 3.5 SP1 installed already. If you've removed it, then ... well ... un-remove it I guess.
  15. Screen capture functionality will never be integrated into Paint.NET. There are already a million utilities for this out there. Pick one and use it. Window Clippings already has "send to Paint.NET" built-in.
  16. Install .NET 3.5 SP1 first. .NET 4 is only used if it's the only framework installed. If you're on Vista then you will always have .NET 2 and 3 installed, and Paint.NET cannot use .NET 4 in that case.
  17. Paint.NET only works with 8-bits per color channel. No more, no less. Other color depths are supported when saving or loading, but when it's in memory it's always 8-bits per color component (32-bit RGBA). Even a 1-bit monochrome TIFF from a fax machine gets expanded to 32-bits when opened (which is why you see people asking, "I opened a 800KB TIFF and it said out of memory whyyyyyyyy"). You won't be able to use Paint.NET for this purpose.
  18. 1. Just press Enter. 2. Stop being such a jerk. 3. I'm closing your moronic thread. The UI was designed to work this way for good reason. Apparently you have a superiority complex. Shake it off, then come back.
  19. Like Simon said, nope, sorry. Perpetually, this is on the wish list. Maybe some day, but please don't hold your breath for it.
  20. Right, I figured out that much. But like I said, even if Paint.NET could save as 16-bit grayscale, it would lose a lot of precision when it opened the same image again later.
  21. Hmm. Well even if Paint.NET supported saving as 16-bit grayscale, it wouldn't be able to load it back in correctly. Paint.NET only ever uses 32-bit RGBA, and thus once you opened it again it would be as if you'd saved as 8-bit grayscale. (each color component is 8-bits) In any case, Paint.NET just isn't a map editor ...
  22. 16-bit grayscale? Huh, interesting. What for? (I'm curious)
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