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  1. Would this update have a fix for my HiDPI issue with planetoid?
  2. Since patience is not one of my best traits ..shape 3d is pretty awesome!!
  3. Rick if everyone was on the ball like you this world would be a more efficient place.. Thank you..
  4. Amen brother.. I have been dealing with them since the early eighty's.. Back then it would completely disable your computer.. The dreaded "blue screen" and the fatal error were literally epic failure at it's best. And if your pc did boot after it was impossible to restore internet without reformatting and reloading windows.
  5. Just curious do you have a possible timeline for the full release?
  6. This plug in pack is the backbone of all I do.. Mastery at its best..
  7. The amount of detail you put into your work and organization is quite impressive! Thank you for all that you do! BoltBait Toehead TR..OMG TR... Make this paint.net feel like the Elite brand of graphical imaging... I know I am not amongst yalls favorite but I feel with my entire soul.. The plugin authors just give you a certain "atmosphere" about them.. Even Russian and English super friendly!! I envy your psyche to the end!
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