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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. I vote for added outlines @BoltBait. I was going to ask for this earlier but didn't.
  2. Thank you @Red ochre, @Pixey, @ReMake, @BlastOfBN, @toe_head2001 and @Tactilis for repping! πŸ₯° @Pixey It took me a while to get the 'bumpy' texture just right. I now have 6-8 different textures for the 'rippled' glass look. I had to stop myself!..... πŸ€ͺ @Red ochre I hear ya! I simply used the original background to keep things at 'apples-to-apples' for the comparison. Thank you for the comment. ☺️
  3. Many people on this forum know of my 'enthusiasm' for stained glass. 😁 I've posted many different glass types but have never been satisfied with the 'rippled' stain glass example. I posted it in 2016 (wow)! I recently dove back into it to see if I could get it 'right'. I finally found the right plugins and their settings and am satisfied with the results. I thought the best way to show this is by using the original butterfly shape. Please see the example below and let me know if these images are more to your liking. This image is 'clickable' to view the details more closely. Thank you! πŸ₯° P.S. I will post more images as I complete them.
  4. Welcome @DennyZenny! Very nice work! 😊
  5. Welcome @SeanE! There is no Pop-Art plugin, but this tutorial on converting a picture to Pop-Art is found here.
  6. Oh, I see now. Maybe edit your description. If she's a dragon, she certainly doesn't need a gun! ☺️ Well done!
  7. @BlastOfBN You have really put a lot of thought into your characters! Kudos for your work in character-building. ☺️
  8. Yes, I would think so. The more you have, the more complicated things are going to get. 😊
  9. Thank you @ReMake, @Maximilian and @BlastOfBN!! πŸ₯°
  10. For all those who celebrate the 4th of July! Have a safe and fun holiday! πŸ₯° πŸŽ†
  11. Skeletor....I remember watching He-Man with my boys when they were young... 😁
  12. Very well done @julper! And welcome to the forum. 😊
  13. Thank you @Little Wolf! Hope you find some of the shapes useful. 😊
  14. Confirm @user.by. I've used the plugin repeatedly (10-12 times in a row) and no crashes. Thank you, Rick!
  15. I would love to see them all grouped together. I suppose I could go to your first post... 😊
  16. @CybrRyno You are much better off going with @Ego Eram Reputo advice. In Creative Text Pro you choose a color or texture by creating one (like your dark red color) and copying it to the clipboard. Then choose the Texture tab and in the drop-down menu select Apply Clipboard image. But you will always get a black-and-white bevel. There is no color wheel for choosing your own colors. I'm sure with some tweaking, you will get it right.
  17. @Pixey Part of your 'glassy' collection? Beautiful pumpkin...well done! πŸ€—
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