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  1. Is there a plugin that can create animations? Like, looped movement in a still image. Not a gif. For ex. I could have a picture of a waterfall & the effect could create the illusion of the water rippling downwards.
  2. Is there a way to do both effects in a single text? Also- (& this is a bit off topic) I tried installing a plugin called Image DIstortion to do this but affter I copied/pasted the dll file in the effetcs folder, I couldn't find it anywhere in the app.
  3. THAT worked. Thank you! Just a matter of the learning curve now...
  4. Yeah, I downloaded it, then dropped the dll & exe files into the Effects folder of Paint.net. Then I tried lynxter's suggestion but then got this pop up. Still nothing. Not sure what I'm getting wrong.
  5. Thanks, Pixey I tried installing it but when I clicked on Effects, I got this blank pop up. What's wrong here?
  6. I tried installing Wire Worm but when I clicked on Effects I was getting this blank pop up. What's wrong here?
  7. I want to remove some of the text from this image & add my own. I have a bad feeling this'll be difficult at best bc of the complicated background. (even using Clone stamp) Is that my only chance? (& by the way- what font would you use for this? Impact?) Thanks!
  8. Oh, yeah! Def'! That one was just the first to catch my eye in Google images. I can easily find or make one with a transparent background. But that's the look I'm shooting for. That or like the kind of glow a lightsabre sheds= where you can't make out the metal of the blade. Just it's shape emiting light.
  9. Ty, Pixey! I hate to say it, but I tried both but still fumbled figuring it out. How'd you select the knife? I used the Magic Wand feature but that wasn't it. I downloaded the Fast FX, but wasn't sure how to get a different color with it. This blue sword is an ex. of what I'm trying to achieve.
  10. Hello, all I want to make the blade of this sword glow. I'd also like to make it glow a color besides white. How would I do this?
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