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i really don't know if this is the place to ask, but i was wondering if there was a way to make a plugin/macro to do a repetitive task that i do to prep pictures for inking...

  • [*:oh1nk4hy] Use scanner to add image :scanner:
    [*:oh1nk4hy] Refine crop area (optional) :Crop:
    [*:oh1nk4hy] Change layer opacity, to about 30
    [*:oh1nk4hy] add an ink layer above and a color :AddNewLayer:
    [*:oh1nk4hy]background layer below, filling it with white :PaintBucketTool:

i've got no clue where to put it/how to add it/what methods to use... i do know how to code, just not in this... "dialect"? i'm not a full language away, with C++...

can someone point me in the right direction?

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Effect Tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5281

I don't think scanning is possible via plugin, so an effects tutorial is no help. At the moment, basic scripting is available via Script Lab, but it's for effects only, cropping and scanning, also everything related to layers, is not possible.

According to the Roadmap, scripting may be available in Paint.NET 4.0 (current 3.30), which will be done in 2009 (hopefully).

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I'm not talking about accessing the scanner through Paint.NET.

That would mean your post is pointless. kernalphage wants to do scanning etc., and a tutorial about effects does not help him further. It only creates confusion.

i really don't know if this is the place to ask, but i was wondering if there was a way to make a plugin/macro to do a repetitive task that i do to prep pictures for inking...

  • [*:2ihiehvr] Use scanner to add image :scanner:
    [*:2ihiehvr] Refine crop area (optional) :Crop:
    [*:2ihiehvr] Change layer opacity, to about 30
    [*:2ihiehvr] add an ink layer above and a color :AddNewLayer:
    [*:2ihiehvr]background layer below, filling it with white :PaintBucketTool:

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It only creates confusion.

yeah, i'm still quite confused. i'm not trying to mess with what the scanner does, but merely combine pre-existing commands into a single function? in photoshop, they've been renamed to "actions", but the concept's the same (see pic)

there's no way to just call menu bar functions (like File>Acquire>From scanner...) with plug-ins? i've been searching through the source, but nothing seems to work.

**edit as i'm typing**

above comment still applies. i'm still lost, but i found the Menus and Actions folder.

in fileMenu, there's the line:

           AppWorkspace.PerformAction(new AcquireFromScannerOrCameraAction());

can i call this (or some form of it) from an effect .dll file? it says in (or near) the header that it's an internal sealed class FileMenu. i'm used to public/private/protected from (basic) java... how "sealed" is sealed? for the program, for the package, for the file?

i tried to create a new AcquireFromScannerOrCameraAction() inside the render function, but i get the error:

The type or namespace "AcquireFromScannerOrCameraAction" could not be found. (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS0246)

thanks for your patience and help! am i anywhere near the right track?

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