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Tutorial request to recreate an Allen & Ginter baseball card

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With everyone on here that is so awesome with paint.net I was hoping to find someone that could write up a tutorial on how to make something like this:


I'm pretty sure this was done in photoshop with this image:


I've tried a few different things but I can't get the picture to look nice and crisp.

Any help is appreciated!


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First of all, you might want to rename your title to be a little more descriptive to avoid getting it locked.

Now, for your request:

First you would want to cut out the picture of the person with the "Cutting out images the easy way v2" tutorial. It is somewhere on the first page of Tutorials, or you could search it up.

Then you could place the picture of the person on a new layer above a white background. To make it fade away, you could use Wither's soft eraser tutorial, which is sticky'd in the Tutorials section.

Hope this helps.

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Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Thanks for the response. I changed the title.

Cutting the picture out is no problem. I've got that down pat.

I used another tutorial to make the picture fade away...so that's not the issue.

The main thing I need help with is the cutout picture. How do you make it look like a drawing like that with the nice crisp lines. I was hoping that someone could recreate the picture and do a tutorial so I can see how they did it.


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Hmm .. I was messing around and I got something that looks somewhat like it, IMO.

Take your picture, duplicate the layer, and run Oil Painting with a brush size of 2 and a Coarseness of 50, and then set the layer blending mode to Darken.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Ok...I took your suggestion and ran with it. Instead of oil painting, I used pencil sketch with a tip size of 10 and a range of 7. Then I set the layer blending mode to overlay with a opacity of 200.

Here is the outcome:


It's not exactly like the one I posted earlier, but it's close enough for what I'm doing.

Thanks for the help!


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The only thing I'm not really excited about is the color behind the player. I wish the clouds looked a little more "rugged." I used the eclipse tool to select an area and rendered some clouds in it. Then I threw down some blur. It's not really what I was shooting for though. Any ideas?


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The only thing I'm not really excited about is the color behind the player. I wish the clouds looked a little more "rugged." I used the eclipse tool to select an area and rendered some clouds in it. Then I threw down some blur. It's not really what I was shooting for though. Any ideas?

Render clouds on another layer, then try them blending modes.

Then Fade the clouds with the Fading tut.


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I messed around (again) and I came up with this:


I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but if it is, I can tell you how I got it.

That's it! Maybe not that big, as on the cards that are produced the background color doesn't go all the way to the edges, but the effect is right on. So...how did you get it?


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I used normal black and white clouds, then upped the contrast to about 75 I think. Then I used the Alpha Mask plugin without loading a file (I forgot whether I inverted the mask) but just isolate the black parts. Then I duplicated the layer 3 times, and did a radial transparency gradient around some of the darker ones to isolate them. I then cut them out and put them on to the card, and played with the transparency.

Hope this helps. :mrgreen:

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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