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Wow, I thought this paint.net was going to be a simple 2mb download. Turns out I now need to download 63mb more to get microsoft net framework to make it work? Isn't that a bit of an overkill?


First of all, you need to change your thread title to be more descriptive. 'Tis in the rules: No generic thread titles.

And the .NET Framework is exactly that. A Framework. Paint.NET is not the only program that uses it. Many other programs use it as well, and that number continues to grow every day. Eventually, you will need the framework for something else, so you might as well get it now and enjoy Paint.NET sooner rather than later ;)

If you have XP with automatic updates on, you should probably have the framework already. If not, well, you should probably turn on automatic updates....


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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