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I just installed Paint.net 2.5 after reading an article in magazine Clickx about the program.

It looks like a famous program.

The first thing I did after opening the program was searching for an iside browser, but I didn't find it.

Is there a browser inside?

I miss such a facility because I like often to switch from one directory to an other. F.e. to copy or move images.



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Like I wrote: "F.e. to copy or move images".

It seems for me easier to scroll in an inside browser to open images files based on a view with thumbnails in a specific directory.

It should be also a facility to create new or rename directories where you can copy or move certain images.

An overview with thumbnails is a great comfort f.e. to rename some images.

A lot of programs own such a browser of directories with thumbnails like f.e. Xnview, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoFiltre.

At least: "Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software" like is written in the Overview of the Help function.

Thanks for your answer.


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I think they were talking about a file tree. Like the "Explorer Bar -> Folders" option in Windows Explorer. That way, you could open up new files without leaving the main UI window.

But I don't see this as being too feasible until MDI is implemented.

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As for the 'folder browser' functionality... I'd say Windows handles that pretty well and there's no need for us to do a mimic of it. Microsoft has paid a lot of engineers a lot of money to develop that already!

As for tabs / multiple-document-interface ... yes, we're doing that for a future release.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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