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Vista Aurora

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It is the same idea as the tut I pointed you to.

It might take some more steps tho.

And if you have seen the tut already please let others know, so they don't point you to something you've already seen.

And Yes, PDN can do this!

I'll give you a hint:

Use some :LinearReflectedGradient: instead of just :LinearGradient:

The part I see will need a bit more work is near lower left part.

Take some time to look at all the tuts and look in The pictorium and you will see PDN can easily do this.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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I'm going to use one of my most favourite and useful words regarding PDN:


This is especially relevant to the situation as you have a starting point (the tutorial, Ash's hint) and a finish (the example wallpaper) yet no middle, so having a play around with effects which come close to Aurora-like - such as gradient or even blurred lines - will help immensely and you will learn new tricks, methods and the in-and-outs of PDN this way.

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