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Red eye removal - is current implementation useful?

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Hi, I would like to share my problems with current Paint.NET implementation of red eye removal tool. I tried it several times but the results seems to me quite unnatural. Here is an example:

Original photo:


Photo after Paint.NET red eye removal:


Do you see difference in pupils color? It's pity - I like Paint.NET but finally I had to use another image editor to get better result. Do you have same experience? Did I miss something? I tried to adjust both tolerance and saturation but without success.

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UH, I think he's talking about the difference in the the color of the pupils. Pupils are generally black...

The iris color doesn't change from picture to picture.

kem, You aren't going to be able to use the same settings for both eyes. That is due to the fact that both the red sections of the eyes are quite different.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Select the red portion of the eyes then copy them to a new layer.

Set the layer mode to "Difference".

This should make the red black.

You might still get a little bit of a red glow around it, but, it will at least look natural.

Here's the image I got.


I used the magic wand tool (forgot what tolerance though) to select the red parts. Select one, then hit CTRL while selecting the other one so that you select both red spots at the same time.

Hope this helps


When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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Thank you for your kind advices and offered solutions. Of course, there exist many ways to somehow bypass it. At least I could use a different editor. I posted this for (i) I was not able to get good results with built-in red-eye removal effect and (ii) nobody reported such problem - at least I didn't find it. There could be two reasons for it - either tool is useful and I applied it wrong way or nobody uses Paint.NET for red-eye removal. Seems to me the second reason is true.

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Working with Red eye removal tools isn't really an exact science. Since there are so many different shades of reds... saturations, and so forth. The redeye removal tool obviously isn't that great on that left eye (the one on the right side of the photo).

There are going to be issues, in many different software programs.

To be honest, I have never used a redeye removal tool before, simply because, i get a more realistic, natural effect from doing it my own way, which I have had to do in many different programs as well, since I can never get a redeye removal tool that actually works very perfect.

I'm rambling, but, yeah, it's great that you found the flaw. I just assumed that you wanted to know how to do it in PDN, by the way you wrote the post.


Of course, there exist many ways to somehow bypass it.

Actually, a redeye removal tool is a way of bypassing fixing the pixels by hand, not the other way around.


When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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