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Plugin Problems

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Ive been getting tons of problems with Paint.net lately. First off, im being forced to use a different computer than usual. At first, it wouldnt install. The microsoft install cleanup found in the install/uninstall sticky fixed that though.

Now im having problems with plugins. I downloaded some plugins, moved them to Paint.NET\Effects, but they arn't showing up in paint.net. Any idea how to fix this?

I'm still alive!

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Are you using :pdn: Paint.NET v3.05? (... of course you are, if you're following the rules ;))

Make sure PdnLib.dll is gone from your installation directory. Sometimes this happens if the installer says you need to restart, but then you don't restart.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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