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I'm trying to cut and paste and it isn't working

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I found an image that with modification I can use for a cover I truly need to finish.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but here's what happened:


I found a pic that w/modification I could use. So I added the modification. I put a large jewel in the center of a jeweled codex cover and I saved it.


Then I opened pdn and sized a canvas and colored it to use as a background.


Then I copied the jeweled cover with the new center stone. Well, the jeweled cover Without the stone copied. And try as I might, I could not even then put the center stone back. Copy grayed itself out and dared me to use it.


So please would someone tell me how to get the jeweled cover With the center stone on the background cover??


I really need to get this thing done--badly.


Attached please find what I was trying to copy on a background cover. Last time I tried to attach it here, it said I couldn't put that kind of file on it. Since it was a pdn file---so I switched to jpeg. Hopefully that will load. Or I quit even trying to use PdN which should be good news to a lot of  you. :(


Well it loaded so I'll also send how far I got--it's far from where I'd hoped to get!





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Perhaps the reason the book appeared without the jewel was because you didn't flatten in and Save As a png.
If you saved it as PDN then when you imported it again it would have come up as layers.
Remember - when you save work when wanting to 'continue to do more work on it' - save as PDN.
      And      - when you make an image that you want to keep as completed, like the book with the jewel - flatten and save as .png, so that you can import it again into the PDN to continue the work.



Here I made the Background color above the white Background, which can be deleted if not needed.

Then import the book and then the jewel, then you can flatten and save as PDN if you want to work on it again, or then save as a .png


Hope this helps.


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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Thank you, MJW, but I have a earlier version of PDN and it doesn't have a copy merged command. But I think you and Pixey were saying essentially the same thing.


Nanette, may I steal your image? It sure looks more professional than mine, esp. the placing of the center jewel!


I think I'll try to change the lilac color although whatever you did looks good. Maybe it's a different shade.


While you're reading this, may I ask how you got that semi-circle 'graveyard' so even? In answering Steve's post about cleaning up old tuts. My letters look pretty bad. The 'i' especially on the one I did. For one thing the word Souterrain ended in an 'n' that I tried not to let look like a 'z' when it was turned. So in doing that I messed up the 'i' but on the other hand, I forgot to make different layers for each letter sometimes and the 'i' was in with three more.


It's such a hassle to correct it that I've let it ride, but I really want to do it right, so how did you get your letters so even, well-spaced, and not looking like other letters? That's rhetorical--I know the answer: because you're so good at PDN!


May as well let the PDN world hate me for even trying: attached. And I got the circle not by doing it but by taking it off a picture of the US Great Seal. How I ever got it right is beyond me.



PS. I'm changing the cover because that one is too "busy" and I wanted to KISS it (Keep It Simple, Sweetie--my version of that).




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Yes, you can have the image and here is another with another color taken from the jewel itself.  I placed the jewel in the book image by going to Layers and Rotate/Zoom and moving the 'ball' to give it a slight 'skew' then I used the Drop shadow Plugin with a lowered opacity in the Plugin.  You can right click on it with your cursor and then Save As.


Edited by Pixey


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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This is what I came up with attached. And I think it looks good. AND if you knew the work and frustration for me when for y'all it is so easy!


The one I sent to show the 'i' wopsided in the semi-circle will serve inside the first few pages.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!


NOW to try for Volume Four. Gotta admit I'm a glutton for punishment.




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Looks very, very good Renee ;) .
As for the curved Graveyard text.  Yes, it's a Plugin and it will work in v3 if you are still using it.  You can find the Plugin in here.  Unzip it and choose the circle text .dll and put it into you Effects Folder.
When it's into Paint go to Effects - Circle Text.

Then with the correct color picked in your main colors, play with adjustments in the Plugin.  I used these settings to get Graveyard.  Of course to do another script you will have to play with the adjustments.



How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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You're really the definition of a friend in need! Thank you, AGAIN!


But while we're on the subject, I'm curious: When I had the jewel on it's own layer--and I did--and it didn't "stick" to the codex cover, I tried to copy it after I'd copied the book to the background, but it wouldn't. Copy was grayed out.


So is it not possible, or is there a trick to, putting/pasting one image in its own layer, on another image already copied to the background? If that is clear? Piling up images on top of other images, is basically what I'm trying to ask.


I know you wish I'd give you time to breathe before another question--but I promise this is it until I can think of what to do for Vol.4--and get caught up on my writing--which is really why I'm trying so hard to learn this!

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Luckily for you it's still too cool to be on the beach this morning, so that I can answer asap ;) .
I'll try to answer your query, with two answers, and hope I understand what you mean.
1. When you say that the jewel wouldn't stick to the codex, but you had it on it's own layer ..... if you had then flattened it - it would have 'stuck' to the book. 
2..  Yes, you can copy and paste (pile on top) into a New Layer (always a new layer for each) but you have to use the correct format to do that.  Say that you have the jewel in it's own layer.  Go to Edit and click on Select All - your layer will become active (ants alive)
Go back to Edit again and then click on Copy.  Make a New Layer, go back to Edit and then hit paste.
Of course if you had saved your book and your jewel separately in png, then all you need to do is open Paint, make the color of your background you want, then go to 'Layers' - 'Import from File' and navigate to where you saved the book and jewel.  They would then appear again on their own layers and you could add text, or whatever, above them in another new layer then go to Image - Flatten, save in .png if you are done, or save in PDN if you want to go back another time to edit.  But I suspect you know these steps already!



How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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You're both a good friend and a good teacher! One for each question. :)


Or for both. I'll copy them to my files so I won't forget.


If you're in FL, we're having the same cold and raw weather. One day Spring, next winter is back--makes 40 seem cold so close to almost 80!

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