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Stock photos

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Well I haven't posted in a while, and this community and program is progressing greatly.

I was going to offer stock photos free of charge to anyone, these are purchased ones from me, I will make it a private file though, so the company doesn't get mad at me.

I have about 350-400 MB of random stuff, IE kids, vehicles, sunsets, animals, people, backgrounds, cityscapes, and other stuff.

I also have around 900 cut out renders of game characters, which you can find on filefront, but I can send you a select few which are great.

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I was going to offer stock photos free of charge to anyone, these are purchased ones from me, I will make it a private file though, so the company doesn't get mad at me.

If you have purchased a stock photo, you can not give it to other people. That is piracy.

Please don't pirate.

If you need stock photos, I recommend checking out iStockPhoto. Their prices run from $1 to $15 per photo (depending on the size you need). I have used them on several occasions (at the $4-6 level) and can tell you that the photos are pretty good. And, unlike comstock, you don't need to spend a fortune to get started.

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