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Help on how to make these graphics!

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Hello! I am a newbie at Paint.NET and I am a HUGE fan of PDN, I wanted to try out new stuff.

So, can you please help me learn on how to do these graphics below?

Please make the explanations as simple as possible.

I know how to install plugins, just in case!

Thanks a lot.

These graphics : 




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What did you want to know, how to make the background or get the text outline? 


The link that Welshblue just posted will certainly help with the background.


Remember to work in layers. Put as much as you can on a new layer & save often!


Before you start you will need to find & install the plugin from Bolt Bait called Outline Selection Beta.


Once you have the background, add the text on a new layer.

Select the Magic Wand, set the flood fill to Global. Click anywhere outside the text. Press CTRL + I to invert the selection.

Now use the Outline Selection Beta to outline the text or failing all that you could use Drop Shadow, playing with the settings until you get what you want.


Another plugin you might find useful is the Object Edge from Red Ochre. 


I started writing a bit of a tute but Welshy's link is much better :D


Now I might just go ahead & finish the image :D 


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Same as the plugin for the circles used in Welshy's post.


I have a plugin "Autochrome" in my Artistic effects but cannot find it in the plugin list. Looks very similar to Auto Chrome Noise but works more like the random fill. I will put this in another thread too.


I strarted with a black background. You can duplicate the circle layers, enlarge some by using Rotate/Zoom from the Layers menu. Play with the opacity & blend modes of the layers by double clicking the layer got get the properties box or whichever method you prefer. Lots of layers, lots of different blend modes & lots of sizes is what I did then on a layer of its own, I painted the edge (quite a large edge, black, then did a massive blur. or you could merge all of the colour layers & then use a transparent gradient.


EDIT: You pipped me to the post! Yes, I read the other's posts & even looked through the tute which I think is really good & might have to do something with it. Thanks Welshy!

Edited by barbieq25

Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Ok Miss Clara, here is my interpretation of the graphics. I'm glad you asked this question because I had always wnated to try sonething like this & now I know :D


Click the thumbnail to see it properly as it is a 1920 x 1080 wallpaper. Any of the above tutes & tips will get you close to what you want. Experiment & have fun :D




Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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