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How to add effects to text?

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I have some text, and I want it to have an outline. (because the text is black and is on a dark background)

I'm not sure how to do it and I couldn't find anything on it in the tuts section.


EDIT: one other question; how do I select a text that I've already written?

I'm really a noob :oops:

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For outlines on my text I always just make another text in the desired color of the outline, put in behind the original text then blur it at about 1 or 2. You can multiply that layer to make the border more intense if you need. As far as selecting already inserted text you can't really edit it but you can select it with the selection tool and move it around. Hope I helped


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If you dont already know this, create your text in a seperate layer, which will you allow you to move, resize, and modify it as much as you want without disrupting anything else.

I outline my Text by going in with a pencil, or paintbrush zoomed in and just create a 1 pixel outline, though it takes a while sometimes.

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If you dont already know this, create your text in a seperate layer, which will you allow you to move, resize, and modify it as much as you want without disrupting anything else.

I outline my Text by going in with a pencil, or paintbrush zoomed in and just create a 1 pixel outline, though it takes a while sometimes.

I use my Text Outline tutorial...

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