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load binary data as image

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Is there a plugin that will allow the loading of binary data as an image?

There is a similar capability in Photoshop and PainShopPro. I'm not writing about a RAW image loader ( to handle camera data ). I'm writing about a loader for a data matrix.

For example, I have 8-bit data, a 257x257 matrix, that can be viewed as 8-bit greyscale, and could then be assigned a palette in PSP version 8. After reworking the data visually, it could be resaved as a binary matrix without the palette, resulting in a new 257x257 matrix.

I deal with flight simulator data, and often have use to edit land classification data this way. I can do it in PSP8, but I much prefer wortking with Paint.net

I also deal with 16 bit data for elevation... I don't know if Paint.net even would have this capability.


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With PSP and PhotoShop ( at least the older versions ), loading the file brings up a menu to ask the number of channels, the order of the channels, and the ?x? size of the data.

I alter land classification data this way. Others have used this to check or alter elevational data.


Edited by rhumbaflappy
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I could have a look at this for you.

You should know that Paint.net plugins cannot resize the canvas. So any plugin I come up with would simply be an import tool to get the data onto the current canvas. For exporting the data again, the only plugin which comes close is this one Image to Code. Would that work?

I'd need a couple of examples of the matrixes to play with. Also....,

1. Is the matrix size always going to be 257x257?

2. Is the data always 8-bit?

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You should know that Paint.net plugins cannot resize the canvas. So any plugin I come up with would simply be an import tool to get the data onto the current canvas.

FileType plugins can (and indeed have to) specify the size of the canvas...


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Yep, got that.

I haven't yet written a filetype plugin and wasn't actually intending to boltbait.big_smile.png . I was thinking of just opening the datafile and reading the contents to the canvas.

I suppose I should give a filetype plugin a go...,

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